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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

a done deed

i never thought i'll even say this
but i have moved to esotericmind87(dot)wordpress(dot)com
it has been a thought for a while but i never could bear to do it
but now its a done deed

i'll miss this space
for it has been 2 years and 7 months of blogging here
goodbye old friend

1:09 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, March 02, 2008

the woe of a sleepless night

i had ice lemon tea during dinner last night
not the canned variety..it was the real McCoy
and what a BAD idea it was

i couldnt sleep the whole night!!
i kept agnes awake with me till 1 plus by talking to her in her room
went back to my room and started tossing and turning the night away
its so not funny. really not funny.
esp when the body is physically tired after a long day

to make matters worse
i had the company of a mosquito in my room that kept buzzing in my ear
and being the only source of nourishment for it around
[the happening esther was cycling the night away]
no guesses for what it did to me..
i had so many bites lah!
including 3 on my fingers..which are extremely bad places for bites
i was changing between my bed and esther's trying to outwit it

and if all that wasnt enough..
my air-con unit started making really weird noises
it was the high pitched sort - the most irritating of all sounds
i was already so cranky from the lack of sleep that i couldnt stand it
so..i just switched it off at 5am and opened the windows
hoping the mosquito would fly out to freedom
but noooo..it would rather keep me company.

surprisingly i didnt do too badly in church today
i guess i probably somehow managed to get very brief snatches of sleep
but i reached home at abt 230 after lunch and all
and went straight to bed till 530
and i shall sleep early tonight

now the new list of drinks to avoid
coffee, teh peng [having it during breakfast is fine] and real ice tea

9:57 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, February 29, 2008

apparently i have anger management issues

*msn conversation with J

J: and ohhhh big sidetrack: T actually talked about YOU when he was at my place that night haha!
me: wow..and what about me??
J: *telling me some random stuff first about other people
J: then when he came to you he had only one snippet of wisdom for you, and i agree too
J: promise me you wont get pissed off first when i tell you!
me: hmm..okay
J: here it goes..you look better with specs than contacts.
J: there. i've said it. *takes cover*

the conversation continued on but o man..how funny is this:)

12:20 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


im trying to prepare a reflection/sharing of some sorts
the base of it being something i wrote about 2 years back.

firstly i cannot remember what i wrote at all [have to keep checking]
and secondly, i think i sounded a lot more mature then
dun really think im capable of producing such stuff anymore..

sigh..leaky brain leaky brain

8:41 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, February 24, 2008

for i know he is strong

i have been 'stoning' what the rest of the year would be
of the things im going to do and i have to do
and of the things i want to do

it feels like there is so much that is going to happen
and its probably really true that there is too much
im a mix of thankful, excited and "weird-ed out" by everything

it feels quite overwhelming
i cannot see how im going to finish everything with my own strength
its looks so tiring and i feel way too inadequate

i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
for i can do all things through Christ my Lord
i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
i can do all things through Christ

when the load is heavy
when the road seems long
i'll give Him all my burdens
for i know He is strong

8:40 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

just keep swimming

now the commitments/responsibilities are starting to snowball
and i havent be on top on some of them so far
one of it being my school work.

but i'll just keep swimming
God shall sustain:)

10:50 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, February 14, 2008

double standards:)

*was walking to the bus stop after cg with E and P. they were telling me about the rather "interesting" female dresser in a class they take together..

P: aiyah..she got boyfriend can already lah.
E: how you know she has?
P: she always sit next to that guy. confirmed her boyfriend lah!
E: *very shocked tone* eh..i also always sit next to you what. so im your boyfriend meh? you let him hear he sure "hump-thump' [whack] me upside down 10 times!!

i havent heard such a funny thing in quite a while:)

11:35 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, February 11, 2008

for i've been blessed beyond measure

*there was this and later this

it was quite hard the past month, the feeling of uncertainty and the wants
the pressure for answers from people [i know they didnt mean it]
the frustration of dealing with the dean's office/emails
and the envy of friends who had no problems with the same thing
i didnt really blog it cos i couldnt put it in words
but thank God for friends who helped in any way they could

i stuggled for the maturity to accept God's plans
whether they be good or bad
the liminal feeling was sucky - having a place but it not working out
[lboro have sem date clashes with NUS, so its a no-go]
it was really hard to pray for His will and not my own

but i really have been blessed beyond measure
i managed to change my university to durham
and i have been approved to go for a full year [whole of year 3]
and more importantly, m-o-e has no issue with it
i truely thank God
and once again know that im so undeserving

there are alot of things to work out now..
family financies
admin paperwork
the dreaded module mapping

but He always makes all things beautiful in his time:)

5:53 PM
heaven in a wildflower

'your daily walk'

*as per my commitment to read the bible in 1 year using the above devotional.
Genesis completed - 17/1/08
Exodus completed - 31/1/08
Leviticus completed - 11/2/08 [just barely on track]

4:34 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, February 10, 2008

the battle

between the Word/word of authority
and the voice of feelings..
which would you choose?

10:07 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, February 08, 2008

day 2

mum's side of the family.
this is actually a 1st day shot. but the thing abt photography is that the phototaker is never taken. and so..this is to honour the man of most of the pictures:) it was a self shot using my uncle's mirror. he looks quite "pro" huh [act seh only lah..hehs]
the 3 of us again, on the way out for the day's adventures. plus my brother's left sleeve.

all the girl cousins:) we range from 24 to nearly-2 years in age. a pity the photo is a little blurred.
all the boys minus the newest addition who is at 7 weeks old. and yes, there are exactly twice as many girls as there are boys.

the all cousins shot:) it took so long to get everyone ready for the picture and there were something like 5 cameras around so everyone is looking at different places.

yu sheng again. the 4th time i have had it for the new year.

this photo just warms the cockles of my heart. she looks so happy:) i think she was playing this random jumping game with some cousins.
and thus ends the main activites of cny for my family. its be a pretty good 2 days.

5:47 PM
heaven in a wildflower