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Wednesday, January 30, 2008


its just so sick that people can actually trade people
and do such evil things to them in the process

i thank God that i never need to have these concerns cos its singapore
but then why do all of them suffer that fate?
its such a scary world we live in.

10:23 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

the right thing to do

i was on my way to meet D, HS and A for a very important dinner today. i took a bus to paya lebar station to take train. all was well.. semi-rushing from the bus stop to the station [one needs to keep up with the average walking speed] i walked past a beggar.

he was hundled in a slight recess along the pavement, sitting on an old piece of cardboard i think. he was wearing a characteristical loose white shirt and plain shorts. but the focal point was his left leg which appeared to be amputated from thigh down.

i walked, saw and walked on. maybe 5 steps down later, i heard the sound of metal-against-metal clanging sound of coins that i was jotted. i walked past a begger without even the slighest shred of compassion in my heart. i talk about joining G3 and all that but here is someone and i didnt even think to help. its so..appalling.

then i started wondering what is the right thing to do. well-meaning people tell you that its best not to donate cos you dun know if they belong to a syndicate of some sorts. some others say that one never knows what they do with the donated money - buy alcohol, cigs or drugs.

but that can be refuted by a "what if they really need the money?" shouldnt we give people the benefit of the doubt. perhaps we could really be feeding a money laundering syndicate but we will never be sure it is right? some also say to donate to buskers/tissue paper sellers cos at least they are doing something. and that again begets the question, "do we only give money to people who are useful/serve our needs?"

and perhaps the bigger question, "how much would the small one-time donation help?"and thereafter "is there something more that can and has to be done?"

what should the christian response be?

i have a head full of thoughts and questions now. and the renewed prayer for a tender heart again.

11:11 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, January 25, 2008


new clothing for the new year:)

its strange that went it comes to shopping for cny
i never feel it important enough to do despite the liscence to spend
but being a fillal, chinese daughter.. [plus cos i have sisters:)]
i still buy something every year.

and over the years i have really come to realise that..
shopping with my sisters is the 'fun-nest':)
i enjoy it with friends too but seriously nothing beats this
we are very funny people:)

11:20 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

a naughty deed

*dad picked my brother and i for dinner. i got in the car with him first
dad: so where to go? [in the house we have decided potong pasir already]
me: hmm..the coffee shop? or eh..there is the new kfc there.
dad: really? where?
me: at the CC
*brother gets in the car, we drive off
me: [to my bro] kfc for dinner can? [he nods]
my dad: eh..actually im supposed to to cut down on oily and fried food.
me: oh yah. how was the check up today? [more on it later]
dad: oh okay lah.
me: then still can eat kfc or not? later mummy scold how?
dad: can lah..its ok.

...dinner at kcf...

*we went back home. dad and i left again to church
dad: if mummy find out i sure get scolded. haha
me: we dun tell her lah
dad: she ask where we eat how?
me: potong pasir lah
dad: what we eat?
me: we say its western lah
dad: what exactly?
me: erm..say chicken cutlet.
dad and i: hahahaha

...after church meetings...

*agnes, mom and both of us in the car.
mom: [the results of my dad's checkup] blah blah blah
mom:.....doctor says he must cut oily/deep fried food cos of......
me: papa!! you didnt tell me all that!! now i have a guilty conscience!
mom/agnes: why??
me: we did a naughty thing today..heh for dinner
and the entire story came out...
agnes: you 2 are so funny
mom: you see lah..thats why i must go along with him.

we are all cool. it was super hilarious, the entire thing. and so my dad has to cut down on rubbishy food. certain results warrant some cause for concern so he needs to be careful. and yes..no more kfc.

11:21 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, January 20, 2008

solving maths with the Lims

-the question-
there are 3 cannibals and 3 missionaries. all of them need to cross a river using a boat. there can be only 2 people on the boat at any time. only one cannibal can row the boat - the other 2 are not allow. if there is more cannibals to missionaries, the missionaries would be eaten up. the goal is to get everyone across the river. there is no maximum number of steps.

-we started solving it...- it was super duper hilarious:)
we decided to act the senario out - for visualisation and fun lah. and this ensued..
mom: i want to be a missionary.
agnes and i: i want to be a cannibal!!
agnes: i want to be the cannibal that rows the boat.
me: then me leh?
esther: you are the usless cannibal lah..


mom: i know..i will keep praying [to not be eaten]
me: ah..i know!! the missionaries will convert the cannibals on the boat.
esther: no...must be like daniel [in the bible] and pray for the people!!*


we were solving and walking around. had to backtrack a move cos there were more cannibals to missionaries.

esther: cannot..must come back
mom: why cannot?
esther: cos there are more cannibals there. the mssionary will get eaten
mom: the missionary just faster jump out of the boat lah!!
everyone: CANNOT LAH!!

esther managed to solve the question in the end using forks and spoons. try solving it too. first person to tell me the correct answer gets a free "teh peng":)

*in the bible, daniel was a very righteous man although he was in a foreign country. so some people plotted to harm him and persuaded the king, using false claims, to throw him into a lion's den. however, God was faithful and kept the mouths of the lions shut and daniel's innocent life was spared. [for the full detailed account, read daniel 6]

9:00 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

but i know who holds tomorrow

He sees the master plan
He holds the future in His hand

i dont know if i will like the outcome
i dont even know what the outcome will be
but i believe its the best for me

6:53 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

morally distinct but not socially segregated

its so hard to toe that line

8:15 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, January 12, 2008

year 2 sem 2

GEK1039: understanding careers
EN2111: reading british and world texts
GE2018: the biophysical environment of singapore
GE3226: tourism development
GE3239: environmental sustainability

and it just hit me that its going to be a majorly heavy sem
2 mods are 100% CA and the geog one sounds quite nasty on the ivle
separately, the lit mod would have me studying 6 books and 2 films
plus i am doing 2 level 3000 geog mods.
my brain kinda doesnt feel big enough to handle all these..

plus on top of everything i have g3 too
from what i know, it can be quite heavy too
but i've committed since long ago and im going to do it well
it all just sounds a little scary now though

but the saving grace is that i have a 3 day week again:)
pending tutorial balloting of course
*thou shalt not waste all the free days this sem

im in the japan team for g3
and im team leader?!

i really need a crash course in time management this sem..

10:22 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, January 10, 2008

by grace alone

i got allocated loughborough uni in uk
its truely by grace alone
and if it wasnt enough..
although i didnt end up in the same continent with my good friends
i have a friend who is going to the same place and we didnt plan for that at all
God really works in amazing ways

its strange that i prepared myself for not getting it
but not the otherway around
so getting the smses was really quite surreal
really..its such an extravangent display of grace
thank you God:)

11:18 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A is for apple [pie]

from the flour to the butter
the peeling of the apples and the slicing of them [plus a bleeding cut!]
to the oodles of brown and white sugar
plus the egg whites and lemon juice

add in alot of kneading and rolling of the dough..

you get apple pie:)
although it looked a leeettttleeee bit like apple soup at first
but it tasted good:)

too bad we didnt have a camera at hand
our moms would have been very proud of us:)

7:35 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, January 05, 2008

poor and forgotten

people in church: hey..esther now will wear dress already ah?
somemore people in church: eh..i think your sis [agnes] has very good taste.

and im like...
what about me?
this poor and forgotten sister of theirs..

*disclaimer: this is not a complaining/moaning post. i just thought it was a funny happening:)

10:10 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, January 04, 2008

doesn't feel new

the year doesnt really feel very new to me
maybe its cos school hasnt started yet unlike normal school
i mean..it was the first day of the school year that forced us[me] into reality

modules for this sem have been a little trouble
its amazing how clashy 4 modules can be to the last one
but o well..things will work out in the end:)

10:38 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

for 2008

Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee;
Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of Thy love,
At the impulse of Thy love.

Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee;
Take my voice and let me sing always, only, for my King,
Always, only, for my King.

Take my lips and let them be filled with messages for Thee;
Take my silver and my gold, not a mite would I withhold,
Not a mite would I withhold.

Take my love, my God, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself and I will be ever, only, all for Thee,
Ever, only all for Thee.

and..for this year i am trying to use a devotional that helps me read the bible in a year. after 2007 without using one, its time to use something again. please help to keep me accountable.

9:51 PM
heaven in a wildflower