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Saturday, September 29, 2007

like a child again

my retiree neighbours on the right side have always been really nice
we dun know each other very well
but if we meet each other outside our gates, small talk is always made
stuff like my elder sis, where we are studying now, what they are doing..
they are nice people to know:)

but recently [year plus], the wife has been dignosed with dementia
we saw her putting on weight and not be as active as in the past
but never realised it till the husband told my mom
and it was like "ok..rather sad lah"

and i never realised the reality/extent of it till today
they often park their car along the road opposite their house
and so..they have to cross the road to get to the house
today, the wife walked to the centre of the road and stopped suddenly
i believe she just couldnt remember what she was doing
because there was a blank look on her face and her eyes showed worry
she stood there till her daughter [in-law?] came to lead her back
the relief of "being rescued" was so evident on her face

i happened to watch it all from my car porch
was rather stunned by it
but really..she is just like a child again

11:09 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, September 27, 2007

the serenity prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

for all my usual positive disposition
this sem's projects are not so good
and i know that this thought has translated into being really "sian" abt stuff
to a point where i dun want to be bothered any more

but enough of being mopey and slackly
there's plenty of work to be done

7:52 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, September 24, 2007

as constant as the north star

*was asked this question during g3 bs today
in [say] 5 years time
will the convictions i hold on to now still remain unchanged?

*and i thought of something new to add on
if they do change, is the change for the better?

tough question[s] to answer dont you think

10:28 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, September 23, 2007

moving "house"

step 1: shopping spree at IKEA

an outing that lasted abt 4 hours
and left my dad's pockets rather light
3 tables, 2 book shelves, 1 chair and several smaller items
plus lunch at the in-house cafe

step 2: be at home when the deliverymen arrive

the bright yellow truck stopped outside the house
and the guy brought everything in one by one
half the dining room space has been taken up
and they will remain in this way till we are back from malaysia

step 3: use an afternoon to clear out the huge pile in the wadrobe

finally got my lazy butt doing it a few days ago
its the starting thats the hardest, after all you just get so caught up with it
dug out everything and seperated into piles - trash, give away, keep
had 2 bags of trash, 1 bag to give away and half the original amount left

step 4: clear out the garbage dump of a table

i did it in stages over a very long time
generated about 6 bags of trash [most were old school worksheets and stuff]
i once again confirm my secret life of being a pack-rat
at the end..nothing was left inside - things to keep were transferred away

step 5: have the movers over to do their thing

they removed the 5 tables in the study room plus other smaller items
and helped to move around some furniture my mom still wants to keep
now the study room seems so..big.. and the green walls a little too bright
still trying to get used to it but i'll manage fine

step 6: get down and dirty

the 5 of us spent the entire afternoon playing "muscial chairs"
beds moved down and around. piles of papers and such laid all around
layers of petrified dust unearthed in places that havent seen light in 83714 years
and so much trash was generated it was horror film worthy

step 7: local migration completed

in my "new" room [space is a more accurate word] updating this
this room hasnt been used as a bedroom since approx yup 13 years ago
there are still things to finish up - clothes and non-school books are still upstairs
it was nearly too much excitment to bear but its a goood change

step 8: and we decided we werent quite done yet..

plus agnes had to do her round of ikea shopping too for her room
the size of the tampines outlet makes it such a shopping expedition
bought several odds and ends to better furnish the other 3 rooms
the HUGE warehouse-like portion at the end is seriously scary

*now hopefully finally done
posts/steps done over the may to sept months

9:54 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, September 21, 2007

a visual guide to putting on the amour of God

model: lego knight given by ms kwok during grad day in 2005
camera: esther's phone with the snazzy auto-focus and all that jazz
director: yours truly, while having some fun with it:)

stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist

with the breastplate of righteousness in place and
your feet fitted with the readiness that comes with the gospel of peace

in addition to this, take up the shield of faith,
with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one

take the helmet of salvation

and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God
eph 6:14-17

9:17 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

4 years

yup..4 long years and during that time

- i have finished pl, finished ny and somewhat surviving in nus
- my brother has grown to become the tallest in the family
- various members have gone through a few medical dramas
- i had the opportunity to fly to the UK twice
- agnes visited way to many countries
- we learnt have long conversations over msn or the phone
- i read bits of her thesis where 1 chapter is longer than any paper i have written
- my dad changed a couple of jobs
- esther moved to stay weeknights in hall in ntu
amongst others which are too many to count

we have all grown older, expanded our knowledge of the world
and hopefully grown wiser in our own little ways
i know we can testify that God has been very good to all of us
watching over the 5 of us here and the 1 of her there

in 24hrs agnes will be back for good [as of now at least]
i wonder what differences there would have been if she stayed in spore
but those arent so important
cos i think the last 4 years had been darn great for her
and it wasnt bad for us either:)

and actually the 4 years didnt feel very long for most part of it

9:59 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, September 16, 2007

age is no small matter

*family gathering with my dad's side. im talking to 2 of my nieces who are 8 years old. theywere telling me about their busy weekly schedules of tuition, piano classes, ballets classes...you get the picture.

me: hmm..you know what..i have school on 3 days a week only
G and L: wow...what days are they? sooo gooooddd
me: tuesday, wednesday and thursday
G: *drops voice a notch* did you tell your mother abt it?
me: !?!? hahahaha:)

9:55 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

ode to a study room

after abt 13 years of good service
the study room of my home is about to retire
for those who have been here before..
its the room filled with tables lining every wall

my memory of using this room for studying goes as far back as pri 1
i have sat at different locations over the years [we switched around previously]
and went through maybe 3-4 tables
though my current one is more or less just storage space
cos i very much prefer the bigger marble table also in the room
its sad to see it all gone in a couple of days

i welcome the change and im pretty excited about it
but cant help but feel a sense of loss..
something that has been such an intregral part of our life is going to be gone
my brother doesnt seem to care
so maybe im a sentimentalist at heart after all

8:00 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, September 07, 2007

superkids [minus 1]

we were not the target group for the day neither are we still classified as kids
but we are still kids to 2 super people
and superkids to 1 super duper Father

4:16 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, September 06, 2007

making lemonade out of lemons

i have a geog module's tutorial i am taking alone
so i go in and have to find people to form a project group
and so i did, with the nice-looking people around me
of which 2 out of 6 are former PL girls too

all was well..

till i realised that none of them are geog majors
they arent arts people in the first place!
on finding that out i nearly jumped out of my seat lah
my first thought was "crap..this project sure die"
and its the first time im actually stressed over a project
and that im just going to more or less take charge of things
usually i have more kiasu friends to do that
and i gladly let them do it:)

i am not sure how things are going to turn out for us
i want to do well for the project although conditions arent ideal
but they are nice people so i hope things will go on fine
after we get pass the initial "quiet-and-stare-at-each-other" phase

so everyone pray for me yah
that i will look beyond what they do not know [plus the grades]
and enjoy my project with them
things will probably be a little tough here and there
but well..i know God's in control:)

11:31 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

officially an nus student again

finally got my replacement matric card today:)
cos of some not so clear instructions on the website
after abt a month of telling the libarians to open the gantry for me
and not having the card to borrow books from the RBR..

i now know that little piece of plastic has so much power

11:09 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, September 03, 2007

God rocks

if last sunday saw me significantly down in the dumps
then yesterday was a really wonderful day:)
for once i was really happy to be address "ms lim"
in church no less

10:10 AM
heaven in a wildflower