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Friday, August 31, 2007


*was visiting a couple of jc friends' blogs and stumbled across some stuff. and that was something that has been somewhat on my mind for a while too.

-the context-
J recently [since the start of the year] became a christian. and very ideally, he has indeed transformed from a pseudo "ah-beng" who sprouts uncouth vocabulary on a rather regular basis to an active church member. so his blog reflected the change as well - from being %&*!$ ridden to one that predominately talks of what is generally termed "christianly/religious" stuff. well..that is something good to happen. by and large, minus some minute reservations, i am pleased to see such a thing happening.

T then wrote about how he has since then been increasingly been turned-off by the contents of J's blog. he commented that J's blog is now classified into the category of "christian blogs" which is also more or less the blogs he do not visit. i wonder if he is just unused to such content from the psuedo "ah beng" or maybe T is just "anti-christian" [to use the phrase loosely] but this is the catalyst to this post.

-my thoughts-
i know J blogs all the christian topics to basically share with others what he has learnt, albeit in an extremely "in-your-face" manner. his eagerness is evident in the posts and should be commended. but clearly while the intention is good, it is showing some signs of backfiring. people are getting put off by all the verse quoting and all that jazz. so..in a very unfortunate way, the people that J is trying to witness to are being repulsed.

and so begets the question of how should a christian blog? should the person just blog relentless despite the fact that it is backfiring simply because it is right to have such fervour for God? or should the person suit the tastes of masses by just not blogging about such things - behaving like any other blog in cyberspace.

personally for myself, i started this blog with the conscious goal of using it to share about my faith and walk - not just a daily rundown of events. i stay very clear from rants and raves and the generally known b*tching. i have a number of posts where i blog about issues, though i have to admit they have decreased over the last year. these days the posts are less often written with the sole purpose of sharing my thoughts as a christian about an issue. but i still make sure to have a christian "presence" in what i do write and what i do not write. not just because i am a christian and therefore i have to mention certain things but because my faith does form an intergral part of my identity. but according to my friends, mine aint in that category [i havent figured out if its actually a good thing or not]

i feel sorry for J who is perhaps a victim of his enthusiasm. yet this serves as a sober reminder that we cannot witness to our friends by forcing doctrine down their throats and expecting them to swallow it willingly. its easy to just take on a judgmental and 'holy' attitude when discussing a myriad of issues but that clearly does not sit very well with people. i am convinced that there indeed has to be a difference between a practising christian and one who isnt, and its inevitable that blogs would reflect this. but at the same time there is a fine line between stating a stand with humility as compared to adopting a judging, and perhaps arrogant, tone.

Christ himself was very clear about the message that he was bringing to the world. and he never lost his purpose nor minced his words with the pharisees. he spoke hard truths and also exposed the hypocrisy of the religious leaders. yet at the same time, the story of a just God who loved the world so much was communicated to the world with sensitivity and grace. Christ didnt just quote scripture endlessly although im very sure he could, he demostrated the truth through stories and actions. but most importantly, the message was never lost despite the seeming dilutedness of it. i think we could pick up a couple of pointers from the man himself.

i still constantly try to reconcile my faith as a christian, the need to witness to the people around and the best way to do it. its easy to conclude that there needs to be a balance but how do we do it? im still figuring out as i blog along. i just remember that its the walk and the life i seek to write about. i may not blog about christian things all the time but this will still be a reflection of the life that i live in Christ who died that i may live.

11:24 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

to the woman..

whom i get my good [hopefully!] looks from, and
whom i realise i am more alike than i want to admit

blessed birthday:)

8:43 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, August 27, 2007

liar liar pants on fire

my brother has such a ready tongue for lying that its scary
but terribly funny too

dad, brother and i in the kitchen
dad: eh..do we have wrapper [wrapping paper] at home?
me: huh? need that for what?
brother: *dagger eyes" for mummy's birthday tomorrow lah!
me: oh yah..oops [i do know its her birthday tmr]
brother: anyway..dun have anymore wrapper already
dad: hmm..where can i buy..

mum walks down the stairs into the kitchen
mum: *to us* what does papa need to buy? *to my dad* what do you need?
dad: ohh..erm..nothing. nevermind..
brother: *in the most natural voice* papa needs to buy parking coupons.
brother: papa needs to go to a petrol station to buy somemore
dad: yah..tmr im going in the CBD. if im parking there sure need alot.
mum: ok. quickly lets go [she attends BSF on monday nights]

if my parents know how easily this little boy lies
they would be very very worried
but then again, my dad apparently isnt any much better right:)

7:49 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, August 26, 2007

when even a talker needs some quiet

i was really bothered by something i heard today
as in bothered enough to feel sad and need to brood over it

so i did something i havent done in the last 3 years or so
i purposely took the train to serangoon station after church
and walked home slowly from there
i slowed down even further by taking a significant detour home
all the small windy roads instead of the straight main road
it took me abt 40 mins to reach my house
i just didnt feel like going home and having to talk abt it

i havent done thinking/wondering yet
but something did come out of it
"sometimes people just don't make sense"

and perhaps the question
"God, why like that?"

4:18 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

what makes me tick?

*what am i passionate about? was asked this question last week during vcf and my lack of a ready answer kinda got me thinking..

i could try to be really funny and answer..
irritating the pants off my brother

i could try to be serious and answer
punctuality. serious..i've blogged about it before

i could try to be faintly philisophical and answer
learning abt the minute details that makes life what it is

i could try to be really safe but boring and answer
geography. but i know it isnt true and esp knowing what a geog fanatic is like

i could try and be all-christianly and answer
God and serving others. but if feels like im not really telling the truth

and so i just came up with a lame answer abt making people happy
but im not really satisfied with that
its true but yet not quite [i hardly go all out to make people happy]

*random bit of rambling on*
i feel a little inept that there isnt something im passionate about. as in i dun love anything enough to petition for it, to talk endlessly abt it, to basically live and breathe it. 'passion' has been marketed as something you should have to make you a better/happier person because of all the "feeling-feeling" involved. and besides that, when you get to know that someone is hopelessly passionate abt something, doesnt your mind go "wow..thats so cool" at least that happens to me..

there are many things i enjoy and love [good blogpost topic] but i dont think anything qualifies as a 'passion'. but heck, im still a happy person:) much as i would really like to "boast" abt an ardent love for something, i know that it doesnt make me any less than anyone else. its a non-essential but nice-to-have?

as for that question. i still dun have a good answer to give but at least i have more or less made peace about. thats what that matters isnt it?

8:21 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, August 20, 2007

this is my Father's world

i was trying to complete a reading on H2O for geog
it had plenty of details like the bipolarity of a water molecule, hydrogen bonding..
stuff that needs quite a bit of brain power to absorb properly
so i was attempting to plough through the entire thing

and then i had a epiphany:)

God is super duper brilliant!
just find out abt the water He created for our planet
*i could loan you the reading if you want:)

i always took for granted its existence and uses
but reading abt its unique properties
i just had to marvel at the creativity and genius of the Creator
everything has been so intricately engineered together
its so.. "woowww"

of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
his hand the wonders wrought.

3:22 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, August 18, 2007

night[s] out

been coming home late the past couple of nights again
cos school isnt back in full force yet it wasnt so bad [no early lessons]
but cant do it again once tutorials and thus the long days start

weds and thurs were cos of vcf stuff
welcome tea was on weds
i helped to prepare sandwiches - egg and luncheon meat
and i always thought it was a common filling to use, apparently not..

kumuthan: hey esotericmind, you made some really esoteric sandwiches today
me: really? you havent eaten this kind before?
debs: *lifting up the bread and peering inside* wow..its really esoteric!
[yes..im known as the "esotericmind" in vcf cos of my email address]
*and just check out what "esoteric" means yourself

first cg session of this year on thurs
no freshmen came for it so it was all the old foggies
had a time of games and sharing and praying for the sem
we ended really late again [reached home at 11]

went for a play with the ny people
well..our teeacher offered it to us and we just went
we being batty, naviros and myself [cos a certain *coughjerrycough* pangseh-ed us]
i'll rate my enjoyment of the play at maybe 6/10
cos i couldnt really catch a significant amount of lines
though some parts were funny enough

there was a cool thing though
ny has somehow nutured a wonderful relationship with SRT this year
and the students are really benefiting from it
there was a session with the set designer
and a tour of the lights control room and other interesting places
if only we [my batch] had that in the past
but we turned out fine still right:)

we were finally [tactfully] told to leave cos they had to clear up at 1030
ms kwok attempted to shoo the current kids home..
before we [3 of us plus her and ms victor] left for drinks
ah..the pleasure of age:)
but the entire clark quay was packed to the brim, it being a friday night
so we winded up at tcc
spent an hour plus there just chatting and enjoying ourselves
and ms kwok has some pretty great plans for drama club:)
bus-sed home with ms kwok and batty
and finally reached home at abt 1240
and i actually walked home from the bus stop [abt 10 mins away]
usually my parents would avoid having us do that cos its a little dodgey

after so many [to me at least] nights out
no wonder i feel tired just after the first week of school

1:21 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

the nature of [sms] language

my mom is more adept at sms-ing than me!

as it goes:
U 4got 2 take e tuna puff in e oven 4 brkfast

when i read it, i was like "whoa..i have one funky mama!" [okay..i didnt really think that]. my mom is the kind that gets us to reply her smses if we are around cos she thinks she is too slow. so wonder how did she practice sms-ing. must be secret smses to my dad without us knowing:)

*and for the record, i didnt forget to eat the tuna puff, i didnt feel like eating it so i ate the previous day's bread instead.

8:25 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, August 13, 2007

year 2 sem 1

3 day week this time [tues to thurs]
but it means a terrible timetable
on average abt 5 to 6 hrs per day
see if i can "tahan" it for this sem

modules for this sem
EL1101E: the nature of language
LSM1301: general biology
GE2204: cities in transition
GE2219: climate, water and environment
GE2221: nature and society

as usual there will be projects to do and essays to write
but i just pray i will enjoy this sem
and that i will never lose sight of Who i ultimately need to honour

12:52 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, August 10, 2007


a friend called and said she needed to talk
i said "ok, let me go to the phone upstairs"
she was crying while she was recounting everything
i listened, a little unused to her emotions
but i started talking a little too soon

i have realised that im too quick to "troubleshoot". as in when someone shares with me something, i'll be really quick to go "maybe you could do this..." or "so..maybe you make it better by..". i wonder if it drives the people nuts, cos knowing that i always inevitably do it makes me feel bad. as in my friend calls for me to listen to her and yet she ends up being forced to listen to me instead. i try to reduce it but the opiniated one in me just shoots off most of the time once the talker tells me something that i do not agree with. and i end up feeling rather inconsiderate abt it.


i really need to learn to just be there. to listen.

10:19 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, August 09, 2007

national day festivities for me

i went back to the kindy for their celebrations
i told them i would, i wanted to join them and i needed to collect my pay:)
the kids looked so cute in their red and white ensembles
well..the teachers too [i was the only one in dark red and jeans]
and they finally have a new nursery english teacher:)

simple national day celebrations for them
national anthem and the pledge before all were herded into the room
the various classes performed their pieces
and they were so cute lah
despite all the wrong timings and wrong actions
then there was games for the kids
i wonder what was more fun, the playing or watching the teachers compete
i'll go with the teachers competing myself
it was super hillarious lah

and this marks my last day in the kindergarten again
i [or my sis i think] dun plan to go back next year
have other things that we want/need to do
the kids were still excited to see me on weds [cos they still remember]
by 2 months later, i guess it will be erased already

nothing really fantastic
had a nice family lunch at a cafe cartel
cos esther and i received our wages so a lunch treat was in order
and the rest of the family havent tried the place before
we finished totally stuffed
did some shopping before heading home for a lazy afternoon

dinner was cooked at home
we were going to watch the parade while eating
but the livin room tv wasnt working so everything was brought upstairs
and laid out in my parents room buffet style
it was quite a funny sight:)
watched the parade and i think it was rather good
the navy really pulled out all the stops for their segment of glory
things were a little cheesy at times but its part and parcel of the ndp i guess
the fireworks were really extravagant this year too

i think we all can agree that singapore has been really blessed
in that we have a safe environment to live it
and we get educated quite well:)
just pray that our leaders will continue to make wise decisions
and never compromise on the moral standards of the society

8:53 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, August 04, 2007

humor and the banality of life

1. my house's water meter wasnt working since march. and the people didnt do anything till 2 days ago. so technically our household didnt use any water for 4 months. something really hard to imagine since my brother can bathe up to 4 times a day and i wash my hands with soap at the slightest thing.

2. i brought a box of ricola strawberry sweets for my tuition kids to enjoy today. joy [my partner] entered the room and went "why does this room smell of strawberries". tuition kid showed her the box. and she continued "you know..it smells of rubber". i choose to believe that its cos of the invisible chemical reaction between the scent of the sweets, stench of carpet and the musty smell of the room itself.

3. my cousin, whom i was in a meeting in PS's macs, wanted to go shopping after the meeting. i told her i could spend 10 mins with her. to which she reduced her voice to a whisper and went "i need to buy br*" at that moment..o_0 was my face. and yes i did spend the 10 mins with her and yes again we went looking around for what she wanted.

4. carrefour has the tallest plastic wastepaper bins ever. they must be some 5cm taller than usual varieties. and on top of that..the dustiest.

11:23 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, August 02, 2007

the last 2 days sans working

- helped around the house [general household chores]
- wasted alot of time at the TSPC rehearsal
- got irritated at many things and the TSPC in general
- bought a new autobiography on impulse
- got hooked on the new book
- went for an art exhitbition
- enjoyed myself there:)
- returned some books at the national lib
- brought erica to tea bone zen mind
- had my usual of a peach tea and a tea egg [on behalf of py too]
- visited popular to get new assessment books for my tuition class
- finished my book [planning to blog abt it]
- thought abt the kids back in the kindergarten
- look at the clock and go "they are finishing school already" etc

as contrasted to this

8:37 PM
heaven in a wildflower