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Sunday, December 31, 2006

year 2006

it was a very busy year indeed. if we always say that time pasts too fast, this year it travelled in supersonic speed. almost too many things happened in the short year. but it was a time of good growing and learning:)

this is going to be a summarised version of the past year. i did reflections throughout the year and they are in my archives if you want to search for them. i think this should suffice though

1. working from jan to may
i worked in 2 jobs this year. one at BA kindergarten as a teacher assistant and the other at PL as a relief teacher. there was the new found freedom of independence of earning my own money. i learnt the pleasure of being self-reliant and more importantly the amount of work it took. related to this, i started trying to tithe this year too..not sure if it is at the 10% mandated but at least its a step up from the $2 i got from my parents in the past.

i thank God for all the lessons learnt from both jobs. i realised more about myself as well as about other people. i could reaffirm the desire to work with people and not say computers or mathematical formulas. thank Him also for the people i met in either place, the friendships that were sweet while they lasted, even better those which lasted like my best new friend of 2006 - rachel:)

2. slack months of june and july
i didnt take on another job after the school term ended in may. i wanted to be well rested for the new school year ahead. so it was alot of relaxing and bumming around sudoku-ing, crossword puzzling, online-ing and reading. the main highlights of the months were my trips to kl and uk. each was done with the people i love. especially for the uk holiday which i went alone with my parents, it was certainly an experience getting the undivided attention of my parents for the 1st week there, a very big change from usual life in spore. and it was a good rest, the 2 months - so good that i couldnt wait to start uni.

3. university from aug onwards
the transition to uni was a huge change that needed some getting use to. school work expectations, people dynamics, new friends to meet and hope to keep. i felt really lost at first but thank God i had many friends in nus too. from older friends like sharon, eugene and jamie who were a great help to friends from sec school [erica and samantha] and jc [pei yee, suzhen, sanah and the others around] . they definitely were a source of comfort in the midst of a daily sensory overload. it took a while to learn to deal with the workload too although i settled fine pretty fast. results were not as good as i hoped for but thank God for them nonetheless:) joining VCF was a good decision too:) after getting to know the people there and breaking the ice..the cellgroup sessions were good recharge and learning times. i really truely thank God for kumuthan [cg leader] who i have been so blessed by.

4. happenings that cant really be slotted in between
- my extremely dramatic drug allergy episode.
the whole version in somewhere in the month of may. it was a scare really. and its something that no one can really understand till you experience it. if there is one moment that really stands out in the whole of the year it would be me in the AnE with my dad talking to the doctor with my uberly swollen eyes and realising i needed to spend 4 hours in the hospital. i dunno why God felt i needed such an experience but i guess He knows and i would find out in due time. and for the record i seem allergic to strepsils too! really wonder what is going on in my body sometimes. plus the fact that i have been getting a little too paranoid abt swelly/itchy eyes after eating a new medication or food.

- my teaching award.
this is truely God given. i didnt do brilliantly for the A levels. the award helped to lessen the load of uni fees on my parents and gives me a fairly comfortable allowance to live on. throughout the year i have been saying that i still dun know if this is the right path for me to take. i have since made peace abt it and just aim to be willing to follow God's plans for me. i cant stop marvelling at the grace of God in the light of all the blessings i have been surrounded with.

- tution-ing for church
it was a year of up and down in terms of interest. i was really on-the-ball at the beginning and got really sian in the middle. i started getting really interested abt it towards the end again. the best thing abt helping out in the tution prog was that i really got to know that neighbourhood people. they stopped being people i visited once every 3 months to give tracts but rather children and parents i got to know. i really enjoyed playing with the kids i tutored and see them have fun although they are so naughty. contrary to my plans, it looks like im going to help for a while longer in the next year.

5. relationships with people
met alot of new people this year and hence made a lot of new friends this year. i thank God once again for the impact, however tiny, each person had on me. erica, bonnie, sam and i are still going strong despite one of us being out of sync with the rest academically. i really am grateful to weishieng for making time to have lunch [and pay for it all the time] with me every alternate week during the sem. i have learnt lots from her and i hope i can become like her in the future - super power and very much in love with God. hope this can continue even during the second sem:) as for my family members, nothing much has changed i guess although we can always make it better right.

6. relationship with God
this hasnt been the best year in this department i think. it was good in its own way but i have too many unresolved struggles still. i found myself losing the fervour that had been my fuel in past years. i found myself getting very self-centered in my prayers to God. perhaps its just a greater awareness now but i want to reignite the passion again - the passion to devour the word and to take part in ministry joyfully. the busyness of the year took a toll on my personal walk and i knew i had to take a break [which i did and what a differance it made]. lastly, i have been trying rather unsuccessfully to kick a certain very bad habit but things have been improving slowly.

but through the whole year i can testify that my God is faithful. and He is greater than anything in the world. He is Lord and my best friend at the same time and he knows me better than anyone else. i thank Him for loving me just the way i am and in no way do i need to earn his love. i want to love him more.

told you it was a good year
lets hope 2007 is even better:)

1:00 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, December 29, 2006


a good year

watch this space for more details

11:58 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

i eat my words

i thought i wasnt going to feel upset cos i asked God to give me what i deserved
but the hard truth is..i do feel slighty sore
ok..substantially sore

i didnt do very well
whether seen objectively or compared to other people
im still within the range for honours
but i made it in by the skin of my teeth

its the comparing
whether comparing with people i dun know [friends of friends]
or with people i know very well
its the comparing that got me,
my ego was bruised, my pride took a beating
not that i wished more people did worse than me
but it does seed the thought that i should and could have done better
the nasty egocentric person in me wants to do better than anyone else

i will work harder next sem to pull up the grades
there is no use in whining and complaining abt these on
my grades shall not consume me

if you must know and not that i need to hide them
the grades are..
geog - A
lit -B+
natural heritage of spore - B
soci - B-
french - C+
CAP: 3.6

soci was very disappointing.
i expected to do much better - i was aiming for an A
french was expected cos my tests were nowhere good
i was scraping by most of the time
natural heritage is a relief
it was my worst module the entire sem. im really thankul for the grade
lit is a mix of surprise and thanksgiving
i thought i totally screwed up the exam paper
geog was expected actually
i really enjoyed doing the final exam and i left knowing i wrote well

i thank God for the sem
and i want to thank Him for the results too
i did earlier but the amount of sincerity was zero
it was a duty, an item to be ticked off the "must do" list
i hardly think that counts at all.

And though I haven’t lost my faith
I must confess right now that it’s hard for me to pray

*and that is rather true

10:13 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


results going to be out as of 7am tmr
wonder what they are going to be
may they be results that the Lord thinks i deserve

im not freaking out over them
i never do actually
but im apprehensive and anxious to see how i have done
so far the sem has been pretty ok
save for natural heritage, i have been contended with my grades
it has been a good sem
i did work hard [def harder compared to previous years]
but i concede i can still probably do better

i shall see what my first sem in nus amounted to in approx 11.5 hours time
i shall see what my God thinks is fair for me to obtain

7:11 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, December 25, 2006

this is Christ the king

What child is this, who laid to rest,
on Mary's lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,
while shepherds watch are keeping?

This, this is Christ the King,
whom shepherds guard and angels sing;
haste, haste to bring him laud,
the babe, the son of Mary.

Why lies he in such mean estate
where ox and ass are feeding?
Good Christian, fear: for sinners here
the silent Word is pleading.

So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh,
come, peasant, king, to own him;
the King of kings salvation brings,
let loving hearts enthrone him.

*can someone explain the last 2 lines of the 2nd verse. i cant really make sense of it. reckon its partly due to the old[er] english used.

its been a rather busy christmas so far
the cantata on friday night.
[a cantata is the telling of a story with songs and a little narration]
went to watch my dad sing:) and oh my aunt too
good singing. very power man..

saturday was the class gathering which has already been talked abt

sunday was church services as usual
i went for both services although someone woke up late
hurhur..there is also another time lah:)
went back for the christmas carnival in the afternoon
it was a combined project with 3 churches and the RCs
although it was raining through the whole time
thank God for the pretty good turn-out still
and i really thank God for the chance to help in the tution prog
its helps me to recognise people playing the games and everything
and that little judith is royally cute and smart:)
[she's this 4 year old girl i met in the kindergarten carnival in niv]

me: hi judith. rem me? i was at the game with the marbles and water last time. you like one:)
her mom: say hello to jie jie..you like her game alot last time right. *smiles at her*
judith: ahh..yah. i found it interesting!
me:judith..you cold or not? or the raincoat keeps you warm?
judith: yah..i so shivering inside!
*nothing except her size gives you a hint that she is only 4

opened our christmas presents already
like said earlier..the haul of gifts is reducing every year
but..compared to the parents still have more then them:)
hmm..got 2 books, a box, a handphone accessory, vouchors and some money
and cards and wishes:)
and the greatest gift of Christ himself:)

christmas party with the church people tonight:)

10:06 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, December 23, 2006

holding on

back from another jc class gathering
its the 5th since we left school i think

along the way we lost some people
people who never showed up or responded at all
and its usually the same people who are coming for it
and the group keeps getting smaller already

our class has been really blessed with ms kwok
i mean..which teacher in the world..
would willingly invite her ex-students to her home every 3 months
its so easy to forget all abt us and no one would blame her [or rem her]
but i guess cos we are her 1st ct class..she still has plenty of time for us:)

but today was uber funny lah
was tasked to get the present for ms kwok
[me and my big mouth] but its was willingly done k
arranged to meet aaron at j8 at 130. he finally came at 205 i think
anyway..we found the most humogous soft toy ever made!
it was this really cute looking turtle with a too small shell:)
and i made him embarrass himself by hugging that huge thing in the line
the wonderful things a guy is useful for:)
we cabbed to her home and waited for the rest

in the house
played a rather interesting game
although we didnt play it long enough to see how interesting it could get
food after that..nice food good food
and we all sat around the dining table talking for the next 4 hours plus
plus some toilet adventures at the funniest moments:)
its nice talking to all of them again
the weird debates i always have with some of the guys
the concern and random bits of stuff that ms kwok teaches us
the o_O-ness of some things that some individuals say

some left earlier at 7 plus
the rest [7 people] finally went off at abt 815 i think
any later we would have been kicked out
6 of us went to j8 for dinner
another round of chit-chatting
i dunno if this sounds a little cliched but the relationships feel so real
compared to what i have had in uni so far
too bad we cant meet up more
and hope the chalet thing really pulls through:)
finally left at abt 10..
longest time such a thing had ever lasted

11:30 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

the birthday of a king

cant believe its like in 4 days time
where did the last 361 days fly to?

i miss the christmas[es] of last time
when the christmas tree in my home was set up on dec 1st
the struggle to fit the leaves into the hooks and upfold them nicely
the quest to hang the various ornaments all over equally
the fun in twirling the string of lights round and round the tree
all done with little clumsy but eager hands
and kids who were too short to reach the top

i think the tree has been nelgected for at least the past 5 years
the magic of the tree has disappeared
i still remember the the piles of presents under it
well..with four kids in the house..they pile up pretty quickly:)
along the years, big boxes were replaced with little packages
and little packages replaced with red packets of money
our christmas presents that used to overflow the space under the tree
now fit into a medium sized plastic bag

ok christmas aint all abt all that
its the birthday of a king:)
a king who came with a purpose to fulfil
a king who owns the whole world but gave his life for it
a king who loves
a king who saves
although gifts and cards are always nice:) [from agnes]

i think many of us have the tendency to isolate both important events
christmas and easter
during christmas all everyone talks about is the nativity story
and during easter, the whole redeeming story
but it doesnt work this way
they cannot be 2 seperate events to be celebrated alone
christmas is special because of what was going to be done on easter
easter is special because it was already purposed from christmas
and of cos because of who is the reason for both days
which explains why i LOVE "the servant king" so much
its like my permanent number 1 on the billboard hits
it ties the Christ story together so beautifully

Lord i love you oh yes i really do
each time i think of you my heart is filled with praise
Lord i need you oh yes i really do
like the air that i breathe, you are everything to me

oh yes i really do

11:49 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

post youth camp

ended camp as of 12 yesterday
crashed the entire afternoon
and woke up late for christine's birthday party

anyway..some of the highlights of the camp
to me at least cos i missed the main highlight aka dragon boating

-speaker sessions
done by andrew and sher
it was very good stuff
the unchanging nature of God, the changing-ness of us and the world
and our response to changes
2 sessions of abt 2 hours each
talking to sher in between:)
miss her so much man
for most of you who dun know
she was my lovely sunday school teacher when i was like of sec school age

and the games i/c was none other then a fanatic with a fetish for sports
the icebreakers which threatened not to break ice but our bones
and made us run up and down one block of classrooms
cant believe he is my cousin

outdoor groups left me with a bruise on my foot
cos of the raffia string and an over-zealous partner
the 3 person football was very funny
seeing something like 12 legs trying to kick the poor ball was so comical:)

impromptu captains ball was very very good
it gave me the most exercise i think
although people always overestimate my height when im the goal keeper

cluedo was so intelligent!
kudos to eugene who was the master brain behind it
i enjoyed it although..questioning the suspects and formulating the theories
but..my group wasnt smart nor quick enough to solve the mystery

-bathing time
thank God the toilets were good:)
as you know..im very picky abt toilets
to relate a totally hilarious incident
*in the dorm, leaving to the showers
jane: oops..wait forgot my towel. later must air dry in there
des: aiyoh..you so blur ah
*in the cubicles, just before we started bathing
des: oh crap! i forgot to bring my soap and shampoo! anybody can let me use?
huili: yup..i have.
jane: hey des..thats worse than no towel. hah!
*after bathing
des: OH CRAP!! i brought the wrong bag. i brought my dirty clothes!
bonnie: ah..i go help you take lah....
jane: aiyoh..you one kind leh
and i close my case

-the conversations
with people who i never really got to know before
like huili my group leader:)
she is only 16 and well..God is doing a mighty work in her:)
she's really nice and helpful and very willing to learn

with people i do know..but dun really talk to
like singee
was talking to her in the dark in the dorm
abt uni and meet stuff and everything

with people who i do know rather and very well
like bonnie
lying side by side on the sleeping bags
sharing with each other about stuff
is bliss

plus other conversations with people like joshua, desiree,li wei and sher:)

it was a good camp. it wasnt packed to the brim like some we have had before. not that those were bad but sometimes slighty slacky camps are good too. thank God for holding up the rain during the games time:) i think by far this was the smallest camp in terms of participants but it wasnt a bad thing at all. i got to facilitate 2 discussions during the camp for my group..not that im good at it..but it isnt as scary as it once was.

and a song i have always loved alot. led by li wei during his worship session

IN CHRIST ALONE my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone! - who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied –
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine –
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand!

9:36 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, December 14, 2006

field camp

not quite
although the games i/c has threatened to conduct it as such

anyway..im off to youth camp
from friday to monday
see ya when i get back:)

11:24 PM
heaven in a wildflower


i had a brilliant thought
few moments before i drifted off last night

problem is..
i have no idea what that thought was now

so here's to the memory of having had a brilliant thought:)

2:01 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

its the time of the year

Christmas isn't Christmas
Till it happens in your heart;
Somewhere deep inside you
Is where Christmas really starts.
So give your heart to Jesus,
You'll discover when you do,
That it's Christmas, really Christmas for you.

Jesus brings warmth like a winter's fire,
A light like a candle's glow,
He's waiting now to come inside
As He did so long ago.
Jesus brings gifts of truth and life
And makes them bloom and grow
So welcome Him with a song of joy
And when He comes, you'll know.

its finally hit me the other day when i was watching a group of deaf [i think] people performing outside the national library. it was for that "deaf-initely boleh" thing. looking at them sign through the song "O night divine" was strangely overwhelming. i have not enjoyed a christmas carol session as much as this one in a very long time.

and the song above really speaks of how i want to celebrate christmas this year. much as the hyped-up festivity is mostly non-religious, i believe the true wonder and joy of christmas has to come from a realisation in the heart.

more christmasy posts coming up soon:)

5:32 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, December 11, 2006

it keeps no record of wrongs

remember the secret mission i was talking about
today was the reason for it

its the parents wedding anniversary:)
its been 24 years of marriage!

my dad commissioned us to scout for a suitable place for them
tania and i walked in and out many dining spots in orchard
in the end i settled for the very first place we checked out
because it was the most affordable nice meal
o well..their kids are all of school-going age with limited finances
although there were some very tempting choices if i wanted to BLOW the budget

from what my dad says, it was a good meal
[of cos lah! it cost us 85 bucks]
they offered to pay for it
but we were like "never mind lah..you all pay for the rest of the year what"
all those definitely add up to more than 85 dollars

sometimes i wonder how my parents do it
sometimes i wonder how my dad stands my mom
sometimes i wonder how my mom stands my dad
but i guess it helps to keep no record of wrong

they have had some pretty bad fights before
and when both parents are fighting..it usually aint a pretty sight/sound
but they are still going strong
they sometimes still hold hands when we are out
yep..even if we are around
my mom usually spends a day in a week with my dad in malaysia
i mean..there must be alot of love to endure the causeway every week

blessed anniversary mummy and papa:)
here's wishing both of you many more years:)
Je t'aime

11:15 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, December 10, 2006

xiu4 shou3 pang2 guan1

had a hands-on lesson on it today

was having dinner with my family in the holland road area
you know the place that does a mean OX fish beehoon
we were eating and minding our own business
when my dad went "those 2 guys are fighting"

we all turned to look
2 middle age men. one slighty older then the other
one in blue and the other in white
and to say they were fighting is a little inaccurate
the blue guy was clearly the attacker
he was slapping, kicking, punching and pushing the victim
who was evidently unable to defend himself at all

there were perhaps 20 plus of us in the near vincinity
definition of near being we had front row seats to watching everything
we all watched in silence save maybe some disapproving tsks
emitting gasps when the white guy got whacked to the ground
the coffeeshop owner went out to attempt to chase them away
that lasted all of 3 seconds i think

the "fight" started again
this time more brutal plus alot of crass verbal inclusions
which i [un]fortunately could not understand cos it was in hokkien
the white guy got kicked in the stomach [i think]
he stumbled, got kicked again and he fell back
his head struck the sharp edge of the sighboard frame with a sickening thud
his body layed still on the pavement
everyone around started emiting gasps again
one of the customers took out his phone to call the police
and the police station was just across the road
so the blue guy was quickly apprehended

the white guy started moving a little [phew]
rolling around with pain and disorientation i guess
using his hand to cover the back of his head
everyone was not eating at all, we were just watching
no one offered to help that poor guy at all!
there he was obviously in some pain yet we all remained seated
no one bothered to give him a hand
the closest was a worker at the coffee shop who peered over to check if he was alive
we remained glued to our seats

there was blood from the wound
his hand was covered with it
it wasnt gushing or anything
but im sure everyone saw [front row seats remember?]
yet our butts kept in close contact with the seats
he wasnt terribly injured
he could sit up after a while

my parents told us to hurry up and finish the food
and we left after that
we got off the seats but it was off to the car not to him
we drove past the spot where finally a kind soul handed a chair to him
there was a patch of blood on the ground

in the short 15mins or so
i think i learnt abt another side of singaporeans
we are brilliant with what is commonly termed as "eye power"
we just wait for someone else to do it
i know i did

9:17 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, December 09, 2006

it is mine, MINE..it will never be yours

*warning..angsty post ahead
something which has been annoying me for quite a while

ok..i have a laptop right
and in a home when the desktop is serially and seriously cranky
a good working and fast laptop is very appealing

and before i start the ranting [at least my version of ranting]
i have to be brutally honest abt some stuff
i admit i have gotten pretty territorial over the laptop
everything in my head screams "ITS MINE!"
it makes sure i take very good care of it
but at the same time i get extremely protective

which explains why i go nuts each time a sibling of mine uses the laptop
i dont usually say it but inside i get all annoyed and grumpy
but i mean..if you want to use it..ASK nicely
cant stand it if he/she just uses it assuming that im ok with it
or rather despite knowing i dun take it very easily
plus all the random stuff they do like 'you tube-ing' and playing online games
cant explain why but i DON'T like it
and they would tell you i have a rule that i want no music kept in here
i guess i want it as exclusive to me as possible

i know its really unjustify-able but i cant help it
each time that sibling of mine uses the laptop..i go "ROAR"[inside]
if i really cannot stand it i'll be all cuastic and sarcastic abt it
saying stuff like "eh..the laptop not yours k"
i understand if you need it to print stuff and/or the desk top is being used
but im sorry, the "let me check my email k" is just crap
i never knew blogging was classified under emails
plus the fact that that reason is sometimes given multiple times in a day
just because the laptop is faster is no excuse to me
you want it fast..wait till you get your own

i know its not good to be so possessive
im trying to get this part of me changed
*repeating "use things and love people" to self
im faintly surprised that my attitude here is so terrible
i usually am not so 'attached' to my possessions
and the fact that i didnt pay for it!
my parents did..so technically it doesnt belong to me
im still in the process of attempting to 'change for the better'
but till then its "HANDS OFF!" unless you ask/tell me when possible
i believe it isnt too much to ask for
basic respect is required anytime and anywhere
including the home
-end of ranting-

why i chose to do this?
and risk sounding like a bratty kid who is too selfish for her own good
i have no idea
but it has been hard dealing with it silently in a way
i guess it sounds like im blowing things out of proportion
but its a big deal to me now
and add on the fact that confronting the sibling hasnt yielded much results
that sibling doesnt see where i am coming from at all
a part of me wants he/she to read this
but the consequences are almost unthinkable
yet i know things cannot go on like that
a compromise has to be reached
i would somehow come you informed on how things are going next time

and just in case i sound slightly psychotic
the title of this post is taken from a line in "woman in black"
i just thought it matched my sentiments rather well
although i am nowhere near being THAT possessive

*i cant belive i just devoted an entire long entry to my 14 inch slab of grey metal

11:59 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, December 08, 2006

the law of shopping and much more

when you have no money to do it nor the time
everything since oh so nice

when you have either or or both
it gets pretty hard finding nice things to purchase

at least that always happens to me
when i tell myself cannot buy anything..sure have something to eye on
when i decide im going to spend money, nothing catches the eye well enough

anyway shopping aside..
spent the last 2 days with fun people:)

havent gone out with her since the longest time
equals havent had a good chat with her
we bascially roamed the orchard strip
cos i was on a secret mission:)
shall blog about that in another blog entry soon
we did lunch and gelato together plus other random things
the only nasty thing about being with her
i look terribly and horribly short
she is like 170+cm and still wearing wedges! so tall for what!?

-sunday school class and wei shieng
dinner at new york new york with a better table this time:)
hearing tendy's recounts of rabbit work was erm..enlightening..
plus very disgusting
and from the looks of it..none of us are very good with the candy floss machine
between me, the stick and the machine..the machine won hands down
and we finally paid for the meal ourselves! took alot of drama though
we walked down to the esplanade for some quietness
the sitting on the floor at the roof top talking about alot of stuff
many things to think about
which i definitely would blog about too
there was a really difficult question that was asked
and i always learn so much when wei shieng is talking/teaching/sharing
ended pretty late and i reached home at like 1130

-esther aka younger sister
she needed to buy some new clothes and i needed to get some stuff too
so it was off to j8 for a shopping fix
and that girl went mad with her buying. helped that she had some vouchers to use
and i made my most impulsive buy in a very very long time
dinner at mos burger before we headed off to ntuc
and why ntuc? cos i had to get stuff for the vcf bbq tmr
it was alot of fun laughing at insane things with her
and struggling to bring all the bags home
well..2 bags of charcoal among other things arent the lightest things to carry
thank God we made it home
my arms and fingers were cramping up

and one last but very important thing
rem my post on the younger people in my church going for the mission trips
the one in china is doing fine [according to my brother]
but as for the one in cebu[philippines] some prayer is really needed
forecasts predict a typhoon to hit on sunday
plus a terrorist attack in these few days
so please pray for all the people of cebu
the team is planning to return to spore a day earlier tmr
cos of safety issues and stuff
but..the cebu-ians cant take a plane out so easily and escape
so..pray very hard for them
and my brother's msn nick was pretty apt
"God can move mountains, so he can move a storm"
ahem to that:)

Jesus Calms the Storm
Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!"

Matt 8:24-27

9:07 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

a careless slip of the tongue

and everything was ruined!

and i always said bonnie cant be a criminal
seems like i cant either

anyway..its was pretty fun being all so secretive:)
[we were trying to do the same thing they did during my birthday]
although erica claims she just knew it was taking place
but she should have just played along..
and acted all shocked at the lift

always..finally you are 19 erica:)
and yes..i was there 6 months earlier

6:49 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, December 04, 2006

budding missionaries

went to the airport this morning
had to wake up at really early at 5am
all because my brother was flying off to china
plus a bunch of people his age

they were going on 2 different mission trips
or rather they are called "cultural exchange" trips
anyhow..its good seeing all of them willing to go

for whatever reason they decide that they wanted to participate
whether because they really want to serve
or because of the friends
or just because everyone is going too
at least they are going to places they probably have never gone
a good 40 of them i think

its the brother's 2nd time
i reckon he really enjoys himself and learns plenty of new things
and i never thought i'll say this
but i guess deep down he is a good boy[really!]
just that you have to dig reeaaallll deep to find that
and choose to overlook the reality that when you put boys together
very often you get erm..crap..
it was painful listening to them talk

so he's off for a week
4 people in the house left

and a side note
look at the size of the bag he is bringing along
you would think he's there for a month
worse than the girls i tell you

5:15 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, December 03, 2006

mushy love

i guess hope is not all lost for spore guys
there are still some pretty innovative ways of proposing left:)
and no..it wasnt to/for me
still a swinging single here:)

but anyhow..
super happy for you wei shieng:):)
but it was only a matter of time right?
cant wait till 08'
*hums the wedding tune*
the "er mei shan" lost 25% of its membership though

its so funny how we always accidentally find out the exciting stuff in her life
still rem how she gave herself away regarding the boyfriend
that we always remind her
and today..well we found out before she was going to let us know officially
but we going to hear about it anyway..

hmm..better stop now
before she scold me for telling the whole world her life story:)

7:55 PM
heaven in a wildflower