Thursday, November 30, 2006
ear acheor rather ears ache
both of them have been hurting the past two days
not really pain
painbut more of a dull pressure most of the time with occasional peaks
and sometimes the pain converges to form a headache kinda thing
was particularly bad last night
lying down makes the pain worse for some reason
thank God i managed to drift off to sleep at like 3am i think
before that was on-and-off sleep
tried going online to check what it was
and the stuff online was quite scary..
like can lose the sense of hearing!
and i mean..when stuff gets to such a level..
cannot mess around right
so it was off to the doctor today
and he reckons its some viral attack
in the ears?!
and he gave some meds to decongest whatever is inside
and so doesnt really seem to be helping
other then making me slightly whoozy and dizzy [equals worse]
cos of the drowsy formula stuff i think
so everyone please pray for me to recover yeah
the discomfort is really annoying
and yah..that i keep my sense of hearing
that is very important:)
but..God truely is good
it happened after the papers were over
and i have the next few days to recover from it
and for all the reassurances from Him last night
i was really freaked out to say the least
first time it happened plus my parents were not in spore then
was praying and praying and praying
i dun think i have prayed so much in such a short time before
really tells you how i take God for granted actually
thank Him for psalms 34
and something i have learnt to give thanks for recently..
that im not allergic to the medicine:)
I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delievered me from all my fearspsalms 34:4
8:27 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
updates updates*the past few days in brief in no particular order
exam papers pretty ok so far
the worse was lit
soci and geog were manageable:)
hope i do ok for them
outbreak of mozzies in my home
blame the rainy weather i guess
plus the fact that my sis was breeding them in her toothbrush cup!
i have been getting so many bites in random places
due to the announcement regarding the GST increase
my parenst when on a mini shopping spree
new fridge and new tv for my parents room
they bought them over the weekend
and everything was delivered to my home on tues
cos i was in school studying that day
i was so surprised to see the new stuff
like suddenly everything in the house is new like that
and in a weird way..kinda miss the old stuff
i mean..they have been around since like forever lah
the new things are huge..
andrew and sheralyn are back:)
cant wait to see them..esp sher
its been a year plus i think
agnes is going to france for a holiday this dec
i wanna go too..
like im the one who can speak and recognise more french right?
9:40 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Saturday, November 25, 2006
one kind of nightmarewhen you pick up the exam paper and realise..
everything you picked not to study
comes out together
and you have to pick one to do
it feels like suicide at that point of time
and to think we were just 'predicting' that such a problem would arise
now back to soci..
5:09 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Friday, November 24, 2006
when studying gets too much to handle...i was with jamie in spinelli studying yesterday
and well..we kinda did talk quite a bit
and one topic was the difference between smoking and elaboration
very essential from the exams huh:)
and for causing your friends to laugh their heads off:)
*i bought an oreo cheesecake to share with jamie
me:[took a little bit]
jamie: how? nice or not? [and she takes some too]
me: not bad..abit dry though
jamie: yah..and i can taste cheese..
me: huh?[waits a while] like duh! talk about smoking..
anyways..exams are here again
i probably wont be online too much till next weds
7:52 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Saturday, November 18, 2006
the captain of my ship*uncle yeow kwang was speaking at crosslink today about our responses to setbacks and successes in our life based on luke 5:1-11. this is a particular part that i thought was very challenging for myself. paraphrasing what UYK said here plus some of my own thoughts.
one important thing to remember while looking at this passage [the calling of the first disciples] is that peter was a professional fisherman. that means that fishing is his livelihood. no fish = income for the day.
and what is the most important thing to a fisherman? yup..his boat. and what are the ways that the boat is important to the fisherman?
firstly, the boat is the only means that the fisherman has to catch his fish. next, the boat would be where he spends most of his waking hours, even life, working with his fellow fishermen. it probably is the most expensive possession that he has to his name.
yet, peter allowed Jesus to use the precious boat at his pleasure to speak to the crowd. and when Jesus commanded him to send the boat out back to the deep waters, he obeyed too. imagine, a seasoned fisherman taking orders from a carpenter?!
there is a boat in each of us. or rather, several boats. aspects of life that we hold very close to our hearts. i know i certainly have a few..aspects like my studies, my plans and wants for/in my life, my struggles, the people i hold dear to myself. or is the most important thing, life itself - the ship, the oil tanker, the cruise liner.
sometimes we are so unwilling to let Jesus take charge of these boats. we rather hang on to these burdens/issues because they are too important to us to let go. we like to protect them, not allowing anyone to get close. they define who we are essentially and to just give them up..seems like suicide doesnt it? are we just too insecure to live without all of them?
despite the fact that we know
who is handling them for us..we often dun have the faith and obedience to bring everything to God, to willingly allow Him to take the things we own, the successes that we are too proud of, the failures we try to erase. how did peter do it so easily?
is Christ the captain of your ship? or is he merely a lifeboat to bail you out of life's problems?*i know this is a different vehicle altogether but the idea is the same:)
if my life were like a cari would give the key to Jesusif my life were like a cari would give the key to JesusLord, turn on the enginei'll roar for Youdrive me where You willi trust my life to Youfill me with Your Spirit's powerso that i can runand at the end in front of God i'll heargreat job, well done!
11:14 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Thursday, November 16, 2006
patience my dear, patienceone of the virtues i need to cultivate is definitely patience
if you know me long enough..
you would realise my threshold for tardiness is very very low
im ok waiting 15 mins the max
BUT today broke all records man..
i waited an hour and a half for a group of dinner-mates
thursday vcfers they were
apparently there was some confusion and delays
resulting in the super duper long wait for me
well it wasnt only me..
this other guy was in the same sorry state
but due to vivocity's size..we didnt meet each other
have i gotten closer to cultivating patience?
well..still trying lah
but this doesnt give you an excuse to be late at all
without a valid reason in any case
woke up late is a negative example in this case
still learning i guess
it was a good lesson today on hindsight
10:46 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
meeting peoplea lit tutor for consultation with erica
it was more USP advertising and laughing at each other
she makes lit sound so terribly enticing [and useful]
we didnt do a lot of work, we didnt prepare a lot either i guess
but it was a nice time chatting with her
a carl's jr meal with a cousin
she waited till 230 to eat her lunch cos that was when i could meet her
i never thought i could enjoy a meal with her
as in yes we are cousins..but we were never really close was pretty good:) no awkward pauses or anything
and she is working at vivocity as some perfume counter salesperson
pretty interesting job she has there
make friends with her and you could get cheaper perfume:)
i stress on 'could'
till then
french oral tmr..eeks..
9:10 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Sunday, November 12, 2006
unexplainable phenomenon-O sacred King-
O Sacred King,
O Holy King
How can I honour You rightly,
Honour that's fit for Your name.
O Sacred Friend,
O Holy Friend,
I don't take what You did lightly
Friendship instead of disgrace.
For it's the mystery of the universeYou're the God of holinessYet You welcome souls like meAnd with the blessing of Your Father's heart
You discipline the ones You love
There's kindness in Your majesty
Jesus, those who recognise Your power
Know just how wonderful You are
When You draw near
*thanks to crystal for leading this during worship today. it came really timely.
the christian faith isnt abt going to church, serving in church, leading bible study, living the model life a christian should walk..
its about realising the true wonder of God's love. and loving him back for that.
8:59 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Friday, November 10, 2006
2 little boysbeen spending alot of time with 2 plus 1 little boys the past week
the 'plus 1' is my brother so it doesnt count..
and we had alot of fun man
and it was good, clean and wholesome fun:)
i was tasked to get ready some deco stuff for my church kindergarten
so i enlisted the help of these boys
who otherwise have nothing much else to do
10 game boards and 10 rule sheets
3 sessions altogether
endless drawing, cutting, pasting, colouring...
1 macs lunch, 1 pasta mania lunch and alot of 'chap pah lang' foodstuff
both of them were hilarious man..
especially dear old elroi
who had a serious problem waking up on time
1110 on thurs morning
me: phones him. eh..elroi where are you?
elroi: OH S*** i overslept!!!
me: i give you 10mins to appear in front of me
elroi: coming now...
abt 1125
elroi: i set my alarm you know..but it DIDNT ring!!! everytime i set also like that. must be i off it in my sleep. BUT BUT..i put my phone on non-silent because i know that if you never see me in church you sure will call me. see..i smart right..
*yes..very smart..
it was great taking so much to both of them
and digging out both their secrets:) hehe
got to know them alot better after ALL that time spent together
and we actually did do work:)
and i discovered hidden talents in both of them
carnival's tmr..
hope it goes well
after all the effort we have put into it
and all the kindergarten people
9:40 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
the art of essay writingjust found out today that agnes has never written an essay for uni before
and her thesis is going to be the first one
and the limit is 12000-15000 words!
all the best for it:)
in just my 1st sem, i have done at least 4 essays already
and thats not counting the final exams yet
the difference between an arts student and a non arts person
we live in different worlds..
8:44 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Monday, November 06, 2006
3 peas in a pod3 girls
the same tee shirt each
good to have random fun once in a while:)
and we shall conquer the youth camp together!
*the funny things that 19 year olds do together sometimes
9:30 AM
heaven in a wildflower
Saturday, November 04, 2006
one full year
a year helping out with the neighbourhood tuition in my church

getting so excited during the game

look at her intense concentration

the 2 boys monkeying around

looking oh so sweet:)
it has been a whole year. there were times when i really wanted to throw the towel and quit. it was not easy dragging my butt down everyweek and preparing the lessons every fortnight.
but..thank God i managed to persevere through:) it has been so much fun knowing them and playing games with them. i believe they would not really remember the endless exercises/assignments in class but they would remember the boogle games, the 'scissors paper stone game' in the pics above, the time wk and i bought ice cream for them..i would miss them so much..
they have been asking if im going to teach the p4s next year [which means them] but i really havent decided. i really want to continue with their class but i think i may be a little too busy for it[school plus other church stuff]..we shall see yah?
*and for memory's sake..this is my virgin attempt at photoblogging. i felt they deserved their pictures on this space:)
9:48 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Friday, November 03, 2006
time for teaa quick peek into the life of tai tais:)
high class tea..
after getting nearly lost..
pei yee and i finally got to the tea place
"tea bone zen mind"
interesting name isnt it:)
and from what py tells me..
'tea bone' and 'zen mind' are 2 tea book names
the place is really nice
adds to the dining experience:)
on the ground level..its only a very unassuming door
walk up the flight of stairs and a girl figurine greets you
the staff inside quickly ushers you to a seat
*pretty furnishing inside:) mix of modern and old
and the place is like a art gallery man:)
once you are seated and confortable
one lady there would bring a cold towel and a tiny glass of hot water
and the small pretty menu
the prices there are pretty steep though
oh..and there is a slection of reading material too
py had a sourplum tea
i had a peach tea[plus a thick slice of a peach:)]
we each had a tea egg
and we shared a plate of cucumber sandwiches
and the food was so yummilious!
like very very very good
or as the french would say..tres bien:)
in total we paid 35 bucks i think
10 each for the teas, 3.5 for each tea egg, and 8 for the sandwiches
way too expensive to make this a regular hang out place
but its very nice for a treat:)
and now i know where to go if i have some time[and money] for tea:)
8:28 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
pet peeves*just a list of some things that get me in a not so good mood
-people who are chronically late for everything single thing
lateness is not a disease, its a lifestyle
-people who cant seem to use toilets properly
i have very high standards i guess[py understands right:)]
-missing buses. esp the sbs ones
cant stand waiting and see the first point above too
-me falling asleep during lectures [esp lit]
a bad habit i still havent totally kicked yet
-people who do not clear the place after eating
if you can buy the food to eat, you can return the crockery
-the times when blogger swallows my entries
its really..poof..everything is gone
-the pile of readings to be done
endless mountain. think abt the trees man...
all these being said, there are
plenty of things that make me happy too:)
saving them for another blog entry next time..
8:51 PM
heaven in a wildflower