Saturday, September 30, 2006

yup..thankGod is a year old:)
9:16 PM
heaven in a wildflower
just keep swimminghad a good time at underwater world yesterday:)
not without some minor mishaps though
met rachel for lunch before we headed over to sentosa
entry into sentosa was relatively smooth
took the blue line after that
then rachel thought we were on the wrong bus
[despite all the reassurances i gave]
so we got off the bus as the skytower station
only to realise that we were on the RIGHT bus!
hmmph..ended up walking a long long way to UWW
in there..its a really fun place to go to actually:)
ALOT of interesting stuff to see
helps that both of us havent been that for the longest time
its amazing..the kinds of fishes there is around
from super duper small to HUGE
and in all sorts of colours and patterns
and weird shapes
truely God is a master artist:)
the crabs were the funniest around though
from the fiddler crab to the decorater crab
i wonder if these guys know that what they are doing is amusing
and the jellyfish..shall blog about them soon
after that..
got ripped off at ben and jerry's
walked and beachtram-ed to the beach bus station
cos rachel wanted to buy stuff at 7-11
realised once again that sentosa is insanely expensive
took the blue line back to the departure area
passing by UWW in the process...
rachel: did we just do a very stupid thing?
*insert your own answer
and photos will be up soon
of fishes, fishes and more fishes:)
once shutterfly stops acting up
9:19 AM
heaven in a wildflower
Thursday, September 28, 2006
jumping on another bandwagoncreated a livejournal account:)
all thanks to erica
anyway..if you want to have me as a friend[you better:)]
find a way to get hold of me and the information
like msning, smsing and attempting to kidnap me
in any case my blogger acocunt will still function as usual
have no plans to close it down or anything
im so used to it and sentimental value lah...
but that being said..
i have to see if i can actually handle 2 blogs
if it proves too troublesome..i'll decide then
in other news..
very fruitful and painful shopping trip with erica today
its almost irritating how money can be spent so quickly
ended today with 2 tops and a pair of jeans:)
or in other uni staples
agnes cant believe how i can wear jeans to sch everyday
and if any of you are interested
the roxy store in marina square has a storewide 50% discount sale
but the selection isnt great
guess cos the outlet is pretty new
and underwater world trip tmr:)
its so cool to have a free ticket for it
and better in the name of schoolwork:)
9:45 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
just visitingwent back with see hwei to pl today
she came late so i was in the canteen alone at first
felt a little weird sitting there
you know..the feeling that you dun really belong anymore
saying 'hi' to the carpark auntie every morning then was good
she still recognises me:) like till now..
talked to her for abit
we ate at the canteen when see hwei came
waved at random students who saw me
the looks on their faces were priceless:)
and apparently sec 3 geog paper is tmr
trooped over to the staff room
said hi to various teachers we were each closer to
the stress level in there is like super duper high
with exams just round the corner and all
we plopped down at athena's and deepa's desk to talk
full time teacherhood has so taken the toll on them
but it was a really nice time of catching up:)
i guess pl is a nice place to be in
despite the endless validation and stuff
like they said, the teachers care for each other alot
and i think that helps you deal with the endless stress
till we meet again on founders:)
4:23 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
au revoirits never easy to say goodbye
you think you would get used to it
but it never happens
its still as tough as the first time was
spent the afternoon with agnes yesterday. just as i expected, we went shopping. she needed to get a couple of last minute stuff[its ALWAYS happens:)]
first stop - orchard strip
shopped around. outstayed our welcome at SaSa. you know..the place that sells a million kinds of perfumes and comestics. agnes was deliberating over which one to splurge on while i was erm..just having fun getting whoozy on all the testers:) i splurged at mango..getting another pair of city shorts/high class berms. well..i just need to find the right pair of shoes now and i can show it off:) hush puppies hurry up and have your 20% discount sales!
walked over to taka cos agnes had a craving for bubble tea. she gave me the wrong order and ended up with red bean milk tea! and that girl hates red bean. after a couple of unsatisfying sips she decided to buy a cup:) the most wasted purchase of the day. not to mention that the bubble tea was extremely overpriced.
took the underpass to lucky plaza for perfume shopping. at the first shop, agnes wanted to finally buy 1 of the 2 perfumes she has been eyeing for the longest time. but somehow, the shop owner managed to convince her to try another one. after some hardsell persuasion and 'honestly they smell the same to me' from me, she bought that one! like i was telling her, its impulse buying at its best:) anyways..she left the shop happy and on to the 2nd shop. they were selling really small bottles of perfumes. and agnes told me she would pay for me, and who would refuse such a good offer? so i got my 1st tiny bottle of eau de parfum. and now for the opportunity to use it.
*its sums up so far that yesterday was some sort of a initiation into the glam of perfume for me:)
jane: jie jie, you corrupt me you know
agnes: eh..i EDUCATE you ok
over to paragon for more shopping. [thats usually what you get when you put both of us together:)] almost went to 'do our eyebrows' but i was a little hesistant. not prepared lah..roamed around. drooling over the pretty notebooks at prints and checking out the crumpler store. realised we were running late so we left the too-expensive-for-me-to-buy-anything shopping centre.
2nd stop - bishan j8
for more essential stuff. we got a little swayed most of the time though. agnes couldnt find leather cleaner to clean her precious 60 euros wallet. and she needed to shop at ntuc.
but before that we decided to indulge in a little bimbo-tism - buying loads of colourful hair rubblerbands. and there were these 2 pl girls who OBVIOUSLY recognised me as a past relief teacher. they could have at least been more discreet about the staring and whispering to discuss if i was really the one they thought i was. hmmph. anyways..i bought one of those super duper thick hairbands. in white somemore. now i just have to start growing enough skin to wear it to school:)
final place for the day was ntuc. agnes was just dumping all kinds of seasonings and instant sauces into the basket. imagine all the MSG in there. and still no yield in the hunt for the leather cleaner.
left for home after that. and agnes suddenly had a panic attck cos she realised that her departure was sooooo soon. rushed home and from then it was a mad rush to eat, shower, pack and repack that suitcase for her. that bag was so overweight..
and then it was off to the airport and she flew off. a year this time.
11:02 AM
heaven in a wildflower
Monday, September 25, 2006
gratitude-Thank You Lord-
I come before you today
And there's just one thing that I want to say
Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord
For all you've given to me
For all the blessings I can not see
Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord
With a grateful heart, with a song of praise
With an outstretched arm, I will bless your name
Thank you Lord, I just want to thank you Lord
Thank you Lord, I just want to thank you Lord
Thank you Lord
For all you've done in my life
You took my darkness and gave me your light
Thank you Lord,Thank you Lord
You took my sin and my shame,
You took my sickness and healed all my pain
Thank you Lord,Thank you Lord
With a grateful heart, with a song of praise
With an outstretched arm, I will bless your name
Thank you Lord, I just want to thank you Lord
Thank you Lord, I just want to thank you Lord
Thank you Lord, I just want to thank you Lord
Thank you Lord, I just want to thank you Lord
Thank you Lord
*ever found yourself in a situation when you cant stop thanking the Lord. I did
Hear these praises from a grateful heart
Each time I think of You, the praises start
Love You so much, Jesus
Love You so much
10:39 AM
heaven in a wildflower
Saturday, September 23, 2006
just a little randomness:)-there are waaayyy too many steps in nus.
-nature conservation is a luxury spore cannot afford. discuss.
-my term break is already packed with things to do
-totally unprepared for tms. and its tomorrow!
-a disgusting tiny bug flew into rachel's eye yesterday!?
promised to bring me to some nice tea place:) hot date ah
-the quiet area in nus is insanely quiet. crumpler is too noisy.
-sis flying back in 3 days time. for a year this time.
-my jeans are fading by each wash. time to get new ones:)
10:03 AM
heaven in a wildflower
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
just a few more days..and its recess week:)
anyways..french test was not too bad
the first part was easy enough
the listening was erm..not perfect
comprehension was bah
and the writing bit..'like that lor'
i should pass though
just not as good as sam's german lah:)
and as for lit test..
im trumatised man
after not writing for such a long time
formulating a lit essay again was a little foreign
felt a little incoherent
just hope i dun do too badly
or rather i better not do too badly
still have one more test to go
i dun think that one would be too bad
how bad can natural heritage be right?
cant wait for the break:)
many many things to do ah
and need to start on the next lit book again!
5:50 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Sunday, September 17, 2006
questionwhat would you do if someone said he was dissappointed with someone
someone so close, so dear to you?
and to make matters worse..
you feel the same way too.
10:15 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Saturday, September 16, 2006
crunch timeturn your eyes upon Jesuslook full in His wonderful faceand the things of the world will grow strangly dimin the light of His glory and gracewhen it gets down to crunch time
and everything is stripped away
what that matters will matter
love the biweekly lunches with weishieng:)
first one with bonnie and yesterday's with sharon too
other then the free food courtesy of wei shieng
alwayslove the sharing too:) the realness in it. the honesty.
something i have been having issues with abit for a while
as for the 'pressuring' for meet prog..i'll keep you two informed..
looking forward to more of this soon
er..the lunches i mean:)
and the rain yesterday was horrendous
maybe its just that the drainage in nus is bad
or maybe it was just the potent mix of the two factors
nus was like flooding lah!
saturated overland flow. mr ng be proud of me:)
sharon and i got sooo wet walking in the rain
it was the use-umbrella-still-sure-wet kind of rain
but it was fun:) and yucky/icky at the same time
and 3 tests next week. eeks
whoever said uni life was slack?
10:24 AM
heaven in a wildflower
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
525 600525,600 minutes,
525,000 moments so dear.
525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee.
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?
How about love? How about love? How about love?
Measure in love. Seasons of love.
525,600 minutes! 525,000 journeys to plan.
525,600 minutes - how can you measure the life of a woman or man?
In truths that she learned, or in times that he cried.
In bridges he burned, or the way that she died.
It's time now to sing out, tho the story never ends
let's celebrate remember a year in the life of friends.
Remember the love! Remember the love! Remember the love!
Measure in love. Seasons of love!
Seasons of love.
Rent, the musical. Seasons of Lovepoignant, heart wrenching, moving
watch it:)
12:01 AM
heaven in a wildflower
Sunday, September 10, 2006
growing up, growing oldjust a wee bit of nostalgia once in a while:)
2 seperate incidents:
- walking in uni with erica..
we started talking about what it was like in the past
and how we cant believe that time is passing so fast now
and how we so cant believe that we used to want to grow up?!
and..its almost the end of the 1- already
-looking through my blog archives
went back to all the old entries i wrote
was amazed at some of the stuff i blogged about
seem to have lost some of the eloquence
and that somewhat lighter attitude to life
hmm..not good not good *shakes head*
its all part of growing older i guess
the cynicism and skepticism accumulates
and the world just keeps getting bleaker
yet..its nothing wrong growing up
really part and parcel of living, surviving, existing
and it aint all that bad is it?
guess its a love-hate relationship:)
and i just feel like rambling on today..
for some reason the urge to blog is diminishing these days
hence the longer and longer intervals
and shorter and shorter posts
sometimes i open up the window
but nothing comes to mind
sometimes i wanna blog about something
but cant seem to find the right words to do it
but o well..this doesnt rule my life:)
i rule it! muahahaha
and a funny quote i heard today
"if a man opens the car door for his wife,
it means that the car is new..
or the wife is.."
11:34 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Thursday, September 07, 2006
lost and almost lostme without my handphone..
talk about finding yourself on another realm without it
cant believe what a scatterbrain i was
left my phone in erica's room
and i felt SO handicapped without it..
cos i couldnt remember anybody's number
at alland i needed to arrange meeting places and stuff for lecture
imagine..i had to call erica's home to get her hp number!
im such a slave to the handphone *tsk tsk*
and the saga continues..
had vcf today = dinner in school
and i left my wallet in the canteen!
in a way it was not really my fault
but yet it is my responsibilty to ensure i had it
anyway..sharon rescued it and kept it safe:)
and just a thought that came while typing this...
do we[i] attach as much value to the bible?
specifically the handphone
i dun think i like my answer...
11:42 PM
heaven in a wildflower
Monday, September 04, 2006
but it goes against the way i amMEET vs. SEP
i want to go for both
i see the benefits of both
i want to do both in MY timing
but you cant always have your cake and eat it
more about this soon
i need to straighten out my thoughts
and ask God about it
10:33 AM
heaven in a wildflower
Saturday, September 02, 2006
my first constitution article 7.3
[Consumption of Macdonalds]
Macs shall no longer be consumed in all public places due to the unexplainable inflation of prices. Macs in nus are served in the same portion size and cost much less. it only makes economical sense to get my Macs fix from there.
appendix 1[ref article 7.3]
if anyone decides to bear the cost of Macs anywhere else for me, i'll gladly accompany you to enjoy a meal:)
12:25 PM
heaven in a wildflower