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Thursday, August 31, 2006

school for now

well..have started the full load of school since monday
and uni is really an experience:)
and so far how everything has been going..

you all know the wonderful story if how i got the mod right
and its so fun:)
the lecturer is great and the topics are well..captivating
having so much fun and learning lots too
and laughing over a certain "geographical show-off" *ahem*
seriously dun regret taking geog as my major
[at least for now]

the current nightmare
super duper chiem man
doesnt help that the lecturer is sooo verbose
makes it so diffcult to understand what she is saying
i cant imagine having to do 3 more modules of it...
am suffering from chronic indigestion from all the info given

a refreshing change to life:)
going back to kindergarten where we just repeat after the teacher
and agonising over the right words to use
and the right way to pronounce/spell the word
and the right way to string a sentence in french grammar
its fun:)
just really stressful and tough in its own way

this has just always been something that i wanted to learn
there is just this alluring taste to the word i think:)
and so far i've not been dissappointed by it at all
the lectures made sense and i like the info taught
i can just foresee myself spending some UEs on it next time

-natural heritage of spore-
to fulfil my SS module requirement
and this was a desperate to get an extra module
BUT this is an amazing subject:)
quite little to study and the lectures are so entertaining
and i met rachel there:) so i have a friend in the same lecture

yupyup..thats bascially life for now
have to get used to working hard again
after the few months of good old slacking..
have to restart the engine and do consistent work
like finish my readings on time and prep for tutorials


4:09 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, August 28, 2006


-playing aung klungs with the cousins[it was hilarious:)]
-enjoying good food with friends
-exploring holland V with agnes. we have not been there before.
-and sometimes all you need is a good book:)

the holland v trip today was fun fun fun:)
went there cos agnes wanted to check it out
and we took a long time finding the place[kinda got a little lost]
once we found the right place..it was like CHARGE!

agnes and i were buying like there was no tmr
i bought a pair of glorified berms and a tee
agnes left with "china pants", 2 nice spags and a dress
and we covered a fraction of HV only
like we havent found the F.O.S yet..
which only means..we are going back another day:)

9:02 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, August 27, 2006

being my own mirror

-sometimes i just yearn to give the other person a most sacarstic piece of my mind

-sometimes i just get so pissed with the way other people behave

-sometimes i just dun understand how other people think and why they do certain things

-sometimes i just want to rant nastily away on this space, complaining about other people right in their faces

and each time i feel like it, its a reminder that im just as bad, if not worse.
thats the hard truth

Lord i ask for tolerance and understanding
Lord i ask for love

10:41 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, August 24, 2006


boujour, je m'appelle jane
je parle francias
vous vous appelez comment?
comment ca va?

had my first lesson of french last tuesday:)
its was super fun yet stressful at the same time
learning the french ABCs[think back to kindy again]
various phrases and the gender thingy
our pages were littered with hanyu pinyin and such
what an ironic lifesaver it was:)

and for the record, the above in english is..

good day, my name is jane
i sepak french[yup..like 4 sentences:)]
what do you call yourself
how is everything going today?

9:47 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, August 18, 2006

im so happy, im so glad that i found you...

finally saw hashani today:)
after like 8 months plus i think
and how did we arrange to meet...

*in erica's room, using the internet. sees hash online.
**and we talked a little
kbof: anyway..how is hostel life?
kbof:where are you staying anyway?
hash:not bad. im in pgp
kbof:what! im in pgp now too! i wanna see you!!!
*proceeded to arrange the time and place to meet

so glad to see her finally:)
went to spend some time in her room
chit-chatting, and peeking into the toilet and kitchen
its so good to have her back in spore:)

anyway..04a2 girls in nus meet up for lunch or something?
so far friday is the best[polled by hash and i]
tag me for your availability k

8:49 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, August 17, 2006

against ALL odds

guess what?


approx 1030 this morning..
*handphone rings
caller: hi. im calling from the geog department. is this jane?
jane: yup..i am
caller: this is regarding your appeal for geog. do you still need it?
jane: erm..yup.
caller: ok. i can give it to you. your appeal has been sucessful.
jane: thank you very much:)

i was so sure i would not have got it
i mean..what are the odds of appealing successfully?
but someway and somehow...
praise God:)
and goodbye history

4:52 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

friends with hostel rooms...

...make very good friends:)

because there is:
a room to slack in between lessons
freeflow of cold water
almost a freeflow of food/snacks
nice toilet to use[provided your friend is erica]
free laptop charging in case of dire need
closet space, shoe space...
a place to spend the night if necessary

all for free!
so better treat them well huh:)

5:05 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, August 14, 2006

updates on bidding

i got outbidded for geog 15mins into the round!
so..bye bye geog for this sem
im not betting on a successful appeal in any case

bidding for history?!
and natural heritage of singapore
not my fav choices of subjects..
but they are CHEAP..thats all that kinda matters now

so ideally now..
i would be taking lit, history, soci, french and the SS module
not my choiced mix of modules
but beggers cant be choosers right?
shall make the best of this sem lah:)

all the while i thought geog was a GIVEN
like i would get it while bidding..
and for obvious reasons i HAD to get it
but everything when wrong for the bidding
getting outbidded, not being able to bid and stuff
i kept praying and praying..
complaining and complaining..[you get the picture]
have since made peace about it
the world is not going to die if i did geog next sem

You give and take away,
You give and take away.
But i still would say,
Lord, blessed be your name.

11:20 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, August 11, 2006

being poor really stinks

not exactly in terms of dollars and cents
but close enough...

so far i've only secured 3 out of 5 modules!
that was since the first round i could bid in
and i somehow wasnt not able to bid in the next 2 rounds
there is still round 3 but i will be too poor then

everyone pls pray that i get 2 more modules
im dumping 305 points on geog and really hoping its enough
*sending 'geog is horrible' vibes to everyone else*
and decided on a random GEM module

in a way i just cant articulate how i feel about this
like "im pissed"and "i dunno what to do" and "o well.."
[eugene if you read this..im not blaming you at all]
but really..this is not nice:(
and its doesnt help that all i can do is 'wait, bid and see how'
to think i have to go through at least 5 more times of this!?

is faith really sufficient to sooth the uncertainty in my heart? Lord give me faith to trust.

7:13 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

cheers to the 41st

happy birthday
and many more good years:)

going to watch the parade on tv later
its just the 4 of us tonight
and its an interesting dinner we have prepared:)

5:37 PM
heaven in a wildflower

technology woes

so much for the convenience of a laptop
mine is well..a little attention seeking..

after getting it on monday
i went home to erm..play with it
installed the macromedia studio 8 onto the notebook
and then..it started getting really slow
like really really lagging and 'hangy'
that got me a little worried..its new for goodness sake!

anyway..i asked the tech guru[aka shangjun] for advice
he told me to reformat the com
and i wouldnt lose much cos the com is so clean
which was what i did
everything went fine..
except that i couldnt configure my network for nus

so on tues i brought my laptop down to nus
yep..ALL the way there
brought it to the toshiba service counter
and explained my best of the problem
they told me to leave the com with them for an hour

and that ended up to be 2 hours!
i was rotting in the science canteen with the huge box
started doing fashion and people watching to pass time
anyway..the problem was fixed:)

back at home..
couldnt got connected to the wireless network at home
for some strange reason
but we discovered that its the wireless thing not the laptop
cos everyone's laptop was facing the same problem
of 'limited or no connectivity'
it was so crappy man..

that problem is still not fixed yet
but im still getting my blog fix:)
by tapping on an unsecured network:)
hehe..well..till my home's network is settled

10:39 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, August 05, 2006

the struggles that often go unnoticed

*something that i was talking to a friend about a few days back. some stuff i write are actually her words but i think she wont mind:)

many christian books today celebrate the discovery of Christ's love to a once non-believer. people like hudson tylor, nicky in 'run baby run' and many more non-famous friends all at some point made a wise choice to believe in Christ.

its not surprising that we devote so much attention to these people. many of them, esp those whose home countries do not have a tolerance for the disciples of Christ, go through much for their decision. many battle familial objections, ridicule from the people around and even a certain hostility from their countrymen. despite all these, they chose to follow the road less travelled and remain steadfast. the books/biographies honour their courage.

still others write about their journey from being an anti-christian to a christian. a famous one being 'lee strobel' who found the Lord while on his attempt to disprove the faith. atheists who were so strongly against finding themselves drawn to Christ for a variety of reasons. their books document a lifetime of struggles that ultimately ended in the best, though unforeseen, way.

which brings me to the point of this entry. what about us, me? many of us are what is commonly termed "2nd/3rd/4th... generation christians" meaning which our parents/ grandparents.. also believed in God and they were the ones who brought the faith to us. basically that means we are brought up in a good christian home[im assuming that our parents are good christians here] and in a good christian culture. we were brought to church since forever, placed in sunday school the moment we could enter. we were taught to go to church every week, place the little coins/dollar notes in the offering bag, memorise the short verses, sing and do the actions to the sunday school songs...you get it.

i really agree that its a blessing to have a christian family. but sometimes i do yearn for the 'life transforming' experience that many talked about. it makes me think that my faith would have alot more weight in a way. and it was a choice that 'i made'.

sometimes i wonder if my faith is real, whether if truely can stand whatever tests that come its way.

sometimes i wonder if going for service at 8am every morning is sheer habit or because i really want to.

sometimes i wonder if i do quiet time because i was told its right or because i really want my hot date with God.

sometimes i wonder if i would ever get down to tithing instead of being satisfied with the usual $2 and occasional $5 and very very rare $10.

sometimes i wonder if my advice to others is because i know what is the right thing to say or because in really mean and believe it.

sometimes i wonder if i do bs/serve in church because i am obliged to or because i find a joy in it.

sometimes i wonder if being a a christian is culture or conviction.

sometimes i even wonder if Jesus wasnt brought to me by my parents, would i have loved him.

if only there were books that talk about these struggles too. i know i can really really identify with it. like all the issues with complacency, taking God for granted, the 'borrowed faith' mentality.. i dunno about you but i soometimes feel that as i grow and learn, im regressing in ways at the same time too! somehow believing when you were young was so much easier.

but all these being said, i have to say that i really thank God for my family and all its christian-ness. to have parents who insist we go to church, allow us to participate in church activities, pray with and for us. i wouldnt trade them for anyone else. i truely am grateful that they brought the Lord to me, or me to the Lord rather.

the struggles often go unnoticed but the blessings are far-reaching too. that i have to admit:)

10:21 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, August 03, 2006

the lake house

watched it with agnes today
i looked forward to it but left mildly disappointed
i just think that at the end
the story doesnt make any sense..
the romance was pretty original though

and the best thing i left with..
the short insight to persuasion
[yup..that jane austen book which i had to study in jc]
although that came a little too late didnt it?
they said the book was all about waiting
cliched it may be but its true
helps that its makes sense:)

it was an expensive day out with agnes
lunch at fish and co with joshua
slurging at aussino
buying cheap books from some carrefour sale
and the movie[you know movies are not cheap right]
*esther was mad that we didnt ask her along
but though painful on the pocket..
it was an afternoon rather well spent:)
afterall..i dun get to go out with her very often do i?

9:14 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

time for two

been popping by nus the past few days
ok..its hardly popping by since its so far away
had matriculation and the various arts talks

regardless of what some may say/believe
i rather go for the talks
it helped that the speaker was really entertaining:)
not to mention informative
learnt quite a bit from her and skipped the rest

but the best thing of the 3 days..
the time i got to spend with sam:)
as in samantha if you were wondering..
it was sooo great spending so much time with her

from the rides back and forth
to the breakfasts and lunches and one gelato session
the serious conversations about God and other matters
to the insanely hilarious jokes and insults
we shared, we adviced, we laughed, we dug out secrets
never knew i could be so honest with her

and if you wanted to get anything out of us
i'll have you know we have sworn to keep our lips sealed
cannot betray each other lah:)

once in a while, you just need some time for two:)

5:20 PM
heaven in a wildflower