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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

and life moves on

went back to pl today to clear the desk
basically its was a stack-up-and-throw-everything-into-the-bin
now the table is really empty [and neat]
at least in comparision to the state it was in before:)

cant believe time passes so quickly
end last year i thought 7 months was going to be a really long time
and now..like 5 months are done with, marked off the calender
2 months more till school starts again
till i be a student again..actually i cant wait:)

till then its going to be lots of fun and enjoyment:)
equals shopping, shopping and more shopping
after all i have to get more clothes/stuff for uni right?
cant wait for the malaysia trip [better set aside the money]
and the uk one too:)

ah..this is life
but must make sure my mind doesnt degenerate or something
so..its back to book reading again!
currently working my way through 'case for a creator'
and its "chiem" stuff at times
but its good..much like strobel's other 2 books
like the way he examines stuff in such a structured fashion

and a little thing to laugh about..
some student who saw me the other day at heartland mall
thought my brother was my boyfriend!
siao ah!? hmmph

5:46 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, May 26, 2006

final curtain call

*last day of teaching today. having finished meet the parents today, im done with working life for this year. hmm..and as always, i will have plenty of things to say [reads long blog entry] about this experience.

stepping into pl as a relief teacher was such a strange thing. going back to a familiar environment was comforting, but i had to deal with certain obvious changes - like im a teacher now! suddenly people who used to teach me were sitting in the same room as i was. i am glad to have completed my stint at pl. the people there are wonderful:)

was thrown in to the world of geography there, for 3 whole months. had to plan and prepare lessons. i have done freehand drawing on the board, taught with the OHP and powerpoints. and i have marked loads. it has be a good experience, esp seeing that im going to have to teach geog in the future.

and..i got to be immersed in the life of a form teacher. meeting the girls every monday for contact time [when it took place], chasing endlessly for consent forms, giving them a scolding once in a while and knowing the class as individuals. there are still girls who i still know nuts about but on the whole..i think i was not bad:)

-people to remember-
1Bee1 girls: my form class:) they are great girls. some work is needed regarding responsibilty and behaviour in class but they are still a work in progress right? from the quiet to the gregarious, the leader and the follower, the benign to the crazy...this class has them all. i would miss them..despite all the trouble they gave. love all of you girls. BIG BIG hugs:) and many thanks for the cards/letters and the queen bee:)

special mention to my monitresses:) lee huang and deborah. for all the hard work and trying to get things done. and for all the headaches the class gives at times. keep up the good work and if need to, i will buy the 'fry fish thing' for you to whack them:)

other classes i taught: hmm..had fun with them:) i know the girls were never scared of me and hence the 'disrespectful' behaviour. but i have enjoyed my time with them. my sec 2s were so nuaghty:) lets hope they never find this thing

mrs nair: she was a fantabulous co-tutor:) she was so much help the past term doing many many things beyond her job scope. and it helped cos there were many times when i was totally blur about what to do. really glad to have gotten to know her better:) thanks for all the help mrs nair. i couldnt have had a better co-tutor:)

sheryl, tessa, hazelin: teachers who sat around me and hence i got to know them better. also cos they were not in school yet when i left..things are easier in a way. each helped in many ways...and showered alot of concern during my drug allergy episode:) thank God for each of them

hazelin who would place the attendance register on my table everyday without fail..and provide free and good entertainment with her 'fights' with sheryl:) you really dun want to know what they actually bicker about. but it never fails to get a laugh from the people around:)

tessa who went on the field trip with me and was a great table partner. i will miss her little quirks and fun-inducing nature:) thank her for all the little conversations and the times we ate together. and i still cant belive her age:)

sheryl who co-taught a class with me [she taught like 95% of the combined classes:)] a very very loud and talkative character..she is the source of fun most of the time. watching her teach helped me alot:) and she was very generous with her advice regarding my teaching award, and basically everything actually. was always joking with her and listening to her class woes. love her loads too:) and thanks for the flower and postcard:)

the other relief teachers: rachel, grace, see hwei, fang yu and shu hui:) we were a crazy bunch of people esp on the last 2 days:) esp to grace and rachel who became really good and crazy friends of mine:) life as a relief teacher was so much better cos of them and the little "lao ren yuan" will always be a fond memory. God willing..may we meet back again in pl as proper teachers

there are many other people who have impacted my time in pl in one way or another. other teachers who sat around me. teachers who taught me before and often stopped for a little chat. teachers who asked what happened during my super ugly 3 days. the admin staff who i hounded bi-weekly cos of a missing pay packet. and of course the students:)

*i write this part not only as a relief teacher leaving her job but as a teacher-to-be
i thank God for this opportunity to spend 3 months in pl. the job has indeed given me a clearer, thought not perfect glimspe of the demands of teaching. i found out many things are not so nice in this profession and its good to make an educated decision regarding the teaching award. i know that things are very demanding [listen to the teachers complain in the staff room and you will feel stressed for them] yet rewarding:) i do want this kind of job.

still havent fully decided if i REALLY want to teach. thought and prayed about it and decided that since God gave, i shall take it. many things worked out for me this year all pointing to the general path of education. i choose to take it as God gradually showing His plan for me instead of doubting and 'thinking to hard'. Only He knows what is in the future for me. my job is to be a faithful steward.

9:11 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

hilariously funny and nostalgic-ly sad

about 7 hours out shopping and having fun
about 70+ dollars spent on various things
3 crazily whacky people = lots lots fun

went shopping with grace and rachel for farewell prezzies
from IKEA to PS we went

went there with grace first [rachel was playing bball with her girls..hmmph]
ate at the cafe..wonderful cheesecake and chicken wings:)
rachel came and off we went:)
IKEA is such an interesting place to shop
love going there:)
walked round..digging up the best bargains
"this is soo cheap...wait let me calculate...." was common
we bought enough colourful stuff to open a kindergarten!
our HUGE trolley was filled with them
was so tickled by rachel [to the point of jaw ache kind:)]
maybe it was just the potent mix of us
anyway..bought lots of stuff for girls and teachers
arranged to met athena for dinner
we were so struggling with the big plastic bags man..

went to carrefour for another round of shopping
spent all the time at the candy section
picking out the erm..most economical sweets:)
sorry guys..limited funds lah
athena and her sis came to met us
they had a BIG shock at the pile of things we purchased
well..it was alot [like 7 bags from IKEA alone]
plus another 3 from the hypermart!
we were a sight carrying everything between us
dinner at pasta mania accompained by endless hysterical laughing:)
finished everything at about 930
reached home at 10 totally shacked
my arms are really aching now..shall see new muscles tmr:)

ahh..shopping for such things is so bittersweet
once again the relentless passing of time hits
cant believe tmr is my LAST day teaching
longer and more 'meaningful' post tmr i think:)

*HI to all the B1 girls who read this thing:)

10:20 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, May 22, 2006

how time flies

nearing the end of the term already
glad yet sad in a way

tmr's going to be the my last lesson with the form class
feeling this tinge of poignancy already

still rem my first lesson with them
somehow didnt get a good impression of them
along the way..spent time with them
joked with them, got angry with them..
and i started to like them

for a B1 class, they are a very noisy group of pple
i admit that i did and still do get irritated by a few of their antics
but by and large..they are indeed a nice bunch of girls:)
though sometimes still very young
i would miss the class

one more lesson to talk to them
one more lesson to make a difference

8:28 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, May 20, 2006

fickle minded girl

went for the FASS open house today
planned our 'schedule' out for the day with erica..
we took into account the various timings of talks
and designed a wonderful timetable
but forgot the substantial spatial distance between venues
to think we are/were geographers *whacks head*

it was a day well spent at nus
*except the time when we were dragged into the SEA studies room
we were focused and listened to all we wanted
except for philosophy[erica] and political science [sam and i]
cos a certain current nus geog student was more entertaining
and informative for that matter:)

in any case, i left deciding that i want to change my major
lit in uni is just way too terrifying [maybe it was just the lecturer]
to be honest, i dun think i am 'smart enough' for it
and if i have certain standards to fulfil...
i really do not want to risk it too
lit shall always just remain a love and an interest
and geog has caught my full attention:)

im going to write back to moe to request a change to geog
they would probably think me as a fickle minded girl
but o well..

and the next question is..
geog with eng lit or geog with eng lang?

*what i need is a little self-trashing session
to iron out many things between myself and God

11:27 PM
heaven in a wildflower

What to say Lord

got a suspicious brown envelope in the mail yesterday
it was big and had many different papers inside

anyway..i ripped open the top
and pulled out whatever was in it

"congratulations..." read the cover letter


they changed my major to lit now
and geog has been reduced to be my minor
after weeks of assuming i would have to study lots of geog in uni
this change is going to take some getting used to
after all..confidence in lit was shaken a little with the a-level grades

now the question is "should i accept it?''
many people are telling me to reconsider my decision
that its no good to limit my already limited options

i know my parents are estatic, im pretty happy too
just that after 1 term plus of relief teaching
i have realised how tough,crazy and tiring teaching is
i do like the job enough now
but will this 'like' be enough for 3 to 4 years?

i asked for it and He gave it
i asked for peace during the interview and He gave it
i didnt expect anything but He gave it

is that your plan for my life Lord?
i want to be faithful to your calling above all

9:10 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, May 18, 2006

thought they were geog lessons

been teaching hydro and rivers [sec3s]
and..any geog student would tell you
there are PLENTY of diagrams to draw!

basically the whole chapter can be taught with drawing
from factors affecting streamflow, to the [lovely] hydrograph
to the river load and various landforms formed..
get the point?

and one student rather rightfully remarked [hey..that alliteration!]
"ms lim..geog lesson become like art lesson like that
every lesson draw and draw and draw!"

1:08 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


performance tracking system


poor teachers stressed

* i never want to see another excel spreadsheet again

5:54 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, May 13, 2006

geog post available

*pls spread the word around

relief teaching position available
duration: whole of term 3 [end june to early september]
school: PLMGSS
teaching load: sec 1 express, 2 NA, 3 express and NA [all geog]
*you will have to take a form class too

this is quite urgent cos the current school term is ending
and cos of the time period..
its more suitable for someone going overseas to study

help me to source for a suitable candidate k:)
keep me updated too

11:00 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, May 12, 2006

the economics of sisterhood

*a msn conversation i had with agnes [slightly reworded]

agnes: eh..ask you..you want to go shopping in uk?
me: yup
anges: lets strike a deal
agnes: i give you 120 pounds to spend in uk
agnes: then you give me 300 in spore
me: wah
me: somehow 300 seems alot more than 120
agnes: cos of exchange rate mah [her terms of exchange is much better actually:)]
me: can the amount of money i give be subjected to the amount i spend
me: cos after this month never work already
me: so dun have alot of money also
agnes: can can

*after talking about things to buy in uk and somemore

me: maybe i will bring some[money] of my own also
agnes: dun bring, not enough i give you first
agnes: come back singapore you pay me back
agnes: dun let those money changers here earn
me: wah..first time you so eager to lead me money ah:)
agnes: haha..cos ialso earn mah

where else can you even find such attractive financial terms?

11:05 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


went for the specialist appointment today
regarding my adverse reactions to various medical drugs
spent ALOT of time waiting

i now have a long list of medicine NOT to take
and i have to do a 'drug challenge'
to see my reaction to another drug
* being allergic to panadol is a sad sad thing

the drug challenge thing is really cool
basically i have to spend a day in the hospital
and they will introduce the drug to me in increasing doses
and observe for any reactions in me
which in my case are..refer to the past entry

things i learnt today
- some allergies are acquired [like my case with panadol]
- there is no significant genetic link in this area just plenty of bad luck
- there is a difference between intolerance and an allergy
- my mom is really far-sighted
- there are like plenty of medicine which i cant take now
- my stoic dad was like 'heart pain' last monday [said by mom]:)

*some random personal stuff
it is really quite strange how my body has been the past few years. after a really healthy 16+ years..the past 2 years or so have been different. my allergies started showing up, and the episode of anemia last year.. whats happening man? sigh..

typed this while enjoying canned peaches in syrup:)
my ultimate comfort food:)
i just had to write it down lah

8:46 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, May 06, 2006

life with the dull bits cut out

thats drama for you:)

i sometimes wonder what jc would have been without drama
lets say if i joined the chess club or something..

it was great to be back to help
to run around with the very frazzled ms kwok
and catch up with each other's lives

going tonight again to watch the play:)
yesterday was helping with FOH
and stopping latecomers from entering
i am so evil:)
people were coming in even after the show ended!
blame the crazy rally

on a side note..
my parents keep surprising me [in a good way:)]

and the funniest thing i heard about the army yesterday
"a place where the unfortunate, has to do the unnecessary and are watched over by the unqualified"
to which the army boys agreed very much:)
i just think its hilarious
anyway..im not qualified to make a judgement right:)

1:20 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

piles and piles of marking

common tests for geog over
which means..
lots of marking to do!

have 5 piles of testpapers to mark
finished 1 already
and 2 stacks of workbooks gathering dust on the shelf

i need new red pens

and..im going to compile a list of unknown facts soon
singapore has 4 seasons!
thats something i really never knew about
more to come soon..

4:37 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

my little drama in the A and E

most of you would have known about my foot by now
anyway..it was the cause of all the drama

was in my grandparent's house
my doctor uncle took a look at my foot
cos of the rather bad bruising..
he adviced me to get an x-ray done [in case of a crack]
my parents heeded his advice and so i went to ttsh

had the x-ray done [it was so cool!]
saw the doc and saw my x ray on the computer:)
doctor said that there was nothing visible
but minute cracks may have be missed out
anyway..she wrapped the foot up
and gave me painkillers

took the medicine in the morning and it was fine

-monday afternoon-
took the med again after lunch
then..the drama started

my eye area started swelling like crazy
i brushed it aside first cos its actually quite common for me
but the swelling didnt stop, i started feeling weird
told my dad [who got a BAD shock]
called my doctor uncle who told me to get back to ttsh
my throat started swelling up too!

in the A and E..i actually jumped quene!
the swelling was MAJOR
puffed up eyes, lips and throat
it was affecting my breathing a little too [cos of the throat]

the A and E doc was like..
"this is what we call an allergy reaction"
she took my vital signs and information
said that i had to stay in the hospital for 4 hours!

she inserted an IV into my right hand
injected the various medicine into it
one made me feel really funny [it was supposed too]
i was on the bed and pushed around everywhere

they gave me 2 litres of oxygen too!
to help with the breathing
the first hour was kinda in a haze

the reaction time for the new medicine was pretty fast
i started feeling better almost immediately
my throat and lips went back to normal
redness around my eyes subsided too
the swell was still there [still is now actually]
waited out the rest of the time till about 7pm
discharged then:)

cos of what happened
i now have to carry a piece of paper around
that states my allergies
in case i ever get sent to the hospital unconscious
and my data is in some national thing too
what an honour right..
-end of drama-

went to school with the puffy eyes today
was thinking of not going [i have 3 days mc]
but cos of the girls' tests and everything
i decided to go back
have been repeating my story since the start of the day
about 35482365 times already i think
but as one teacher said "thats cos we love you.."

*a little more personal stuff
my mom was saying since the time i sprained the foot
what was the reason for this
as in she was sure that God was teaching me something
and she thinks the answer surfaced yesterday
because of the sprain, i found out about this allergy
in a way..it was the best way to find out
as in i didnt have any 'medical [sick]' problem too
so i could be conscious and alert through it all
anyway..i now know a little more about myself:)

1:25 PM
heaven in a wildflower