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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

how i have been spending my time

wasting it?

monday morning was spent painting
the last min finishes on christmas prezzies
spent afternoon in ms kwok's place
a tea time christmas party:)
nice, good food in copious amounts there
the guys were ahem..gambling
played mahjong:)
didnt play enough though..
went up to sam's house at about 615
erica came over too:)
the tsang family was having turkey porridge again..
exchanged gifts
stayed till about 7 when my parents called
and i stupidly left eugene's present to agnes there

went back to ny at 10
tasked to clean up the lit room
with ms kwok, aaron, su zhen, and hafiz
moved the existing stuff around
and hafiz is ubber strong! or did you know that already?
cleaned the floor with rags
sat around talking for a while
went for our well deserved lunch treat
had quite nice fish beehoon:)
it was a nice time chatting with the 2 guys and ms kwok
got a lift from ms kwok's dad to sam's house
picked up the forgotten item and went home
wanted to walk home from minton rise
but the rain got in the way..
ended up taking the bus for 2 bus stops

i dun think so
or i choose not to think so:)

4:06 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, December 25, 2005

News too good to miss

As each christmas comes again and goes
Can we as christians say we truely know
The beautiful story of that day
On which Christ first placed His head to lay

On that lonely, silent night; poor shephards came
with nothing but praises to adore his name
Magi bearing gifts, travelled from the east
Knowing that there was news too good to miss

What's so special about this little baby's birth
That was worth gold, incense and myrrh
All this took place in a stable so humble
Untidy, plain and coarsely simple

Our King chose to descend onto earth in this way
No need for celebrations or rich array
For His mission was not to give but to receive
Of His very self that we might one day live

So what are we doing with this gift of grace
What's our answer when we finally see His face
Can we say that we spoke of Him everyday
For our friends to know him in a special way

As you ponder over these questions
Do whisper a prayer asking for ceaseless passion
To share this gift of hope in your heart
By doing your own little part

For Christ came not to receive but to give
Of His very self that we might one day live

4:53 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, December 23, 2005

my first fantasy film

i know this is so not in line with my christmas posts
but narnia deserves a post dedicated to it:)

went to watch it with my sunday school class today
after the hassle of arranging and 3 changes of timings
we finally settled for the 6pm show at plaza sing
and we had seats at row C

the show was good
effects and animation were fantastic
storyline was nice..but kuddos to the book i guess:)
humour was there and served its purpose well too
despite what critics said, i thought the casting was well done

perhaps cos i do believe in the religious allegory behind it
thus the show was not only great but deeply meaningful
the talk of a perfect sacrifice in aslan the lion
and how he defeated death to win the final victory
the battle between good and evil

sigh..my words just dun do justice to the movie
im still in awe i guess:)
and i dun want to be accused of writing spoilers
go watch it yourself [erica, its an order!]
it is really worth the price of the ticket:)
i totally enjoyed the 140 mins despite the terrible seats

11:21 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Christmas carols mania - my timeless favourites

-We were the reason-

As little children we would dream of christmas morn
With all the gifts and toys we knew we'll find
But we never realised a baby born that precious night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives

And we were the reason that He gave His life
We were the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost, He gave all He could gave
To show us the reason we live

As the years went by we learnt more about gifts
The giving of ourselves and what it means
On a dark and cloudy day a man hung crying in the rain
Because of love because of love

-Silent night, Holy night-

Silent night, holy night,
all is calm, all is bright
round yon virgin mother and child.
Holy Infant, so tender and mild,
sleep in heavenly peace.
Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night,
shepherds quake at the sight,
glories stream from heaven afar,
heavenly hosts sing alleluia;
Christ, the Savior, is born!
Christ, the Savior, is born!

Silent night, holy night,
Son of God, love's pure light
radiant beams from thy holy face,
with the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord at thy birth.
Jesus, Lord at thy birth.

-O Holy Night-

O Holy Night. The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Til He appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!
Fall on your knees, O hear the angels' voices!
O night divine, O night when Christ was born
O night divine, O night,O night divine!

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming,
Here came the wise men from Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger,I
n all our trials born to be our Friend!
He knows our needs; to our weakness is no stranger.
Behold your King; before Him lowly bend!
Behold your King; before Him lowly bend!

-O little town of Bethlehem-

O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting Light
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight

For Christ is born of Mary
And gathered all above
While mortals sleep, the angels keep
Their watch of wondering love
O morning stars together
Proclaim the holy birth
And praises sing to God the King
And Peace to men on earth

How silently, how silently
The wondrous gift is given!
So God imparts to human hearts
The blessings of His heaven
No ear may his His coming
But in this world of sin
Where meek souls will receive him still
The dear Christ enters in

O holy Child of Bethlehem
Descend to us, we pray
Cast out our sin and enter in
Be born to us today
We hear the Christmas angels
The great glad tidings tell
O come to us, abide with us
Our Lord Emmanuel

2:41 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Do You Hear What I Hear

Said the night wind to the little lamb,
do you see what I see
do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
do you hear what I hear
A song, a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
do you know what I know
do you know what I know
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold

Said the king to the people everywhere,
listen to what I say
listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light

*thought that as we approach christmas nothing more would suffice better than the good old christmas carols:) it certainly marvels me how simple words put together can tell the complete story of the birth. enjoy:)

11:02 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

its CHRISTmas not X'mas

never take Christ out of christmas

enough said

9:43 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, December 17, 2005

opportunity cost

to do what you must or what you want
to be ruled by the mind or the heart
to please other people or yourself
to do what you need or what you like
to act dutifully or to ensure self-fulfillment
to do what is good for you or what makes you feel good

o well..mixed feelings and thoughts in me now. guess its not something that i can write here, not just yet anyway. but in case any of you were wondering..jane is not thinking about going into a relationship , in a relationship or breaking up with anyone. what i am blogging about is miles away from that.

-choices: we make them and they make us-
youth camp theme 2002

sigh..the existence of opportunity cost.

9:57 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, December 16, 2005

new photos up:)

-drama party at mei jian's house
-sending hashani off


10:04 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

a step at a time

back from camp already:) was home yesterday actually but was too brain dead to blog about it. on the whole the camp was great! learnt many new things, made some new friends, got to know some people better and most importantly i gained new lessons regarding my God. but..im going to dedicate this [long] entry almost entirely to the night walk that we had:)

we spent the better part of sunday at sentosa[scotted there immediately after proper church] had 3 'missions' while there - a scavenger hunt, a night walk and a supposed hike back to church. had a ball of a time and returned to church that night dog tired at 1am. for the record, i slept at about 430am [very possibly even later]that night!

anyway..night walk started just after the sky darkened at about 730. we were briefed about the activity and found out that it was going to be a solo night walk through the 'dragon trail' at sentosa. shall cut the long story short and go straight to my group's turn[we were spilt into 4 groups in the camp]

we were brought by eugene to a certain unrecognisable stop in the trail. made to put on trash bag strips that served as blindfolds for us. we sat in a single file, huddled together in darkeness. eugene gave a more specific briefing regarding what we had to do[walk] and what to expect[darkness?] and what we may see[monitor lizards and snakes?!]. i admit that i was scared but i had to help in assuring the younger ones, some who were really really fearful. to answer the fear of ghosts/demons that somehow could have been lurking in there, eugene very rightly reminded all of us that "HE who is in me is far greater that he who is in the world". the HE being the Holy Spirit.

my turn..eugene came over and pulled me up from my spot. he led me to the starting point and told me to take off my, by now very sweaty, blindfold. he told me my number[24], gave me a pat on the head and i went off. into the unknown and with only lightsticks to guide me through. green for directions, red showing caution and blue for station masters.

walked through the trail. the forest was super duper creepy! i felt as if there were people crouching behind the trees watching me as i walked past. yet, i didnt dare to turn my head to check out if it was just the shadows of the thick vegetation or erm..something else. i started singing any christian song that came to my mind, it was seriously any random song. they helped comfort and calm me down. halfway..i started hearing suspicious noises as if there was someone following me. that totally freaked me out! i was like "%*#%@"[not exactly:)] i kept walking, trying to block the noises out of my head and tell myself that it was just my imagination.

reached the 4th station[shangjun and derek were there]. in a sense, i knew that if there was anything behind me those people at the station could 'save me' so i turned back slightly. a voice came "hey, its elroi here..i was super scared so i walked very fast to catch up with you". at that i was $%&^#@ [not exactly] again. he was scared and ended up scaring me! anyway..they took a photo[with blinding flash] of us and sent elroi on his way before me. i counted to 15 before setting out again. that was just before i heard a very funny walkie talkie conversation:) but i shall be nice and not embarrass my dear group member:)

reached the end point after trekking up some natural steps. was falling over every other step. and my phone rang in the middle of it all. something like a 3rd heartattack of the day! anyway. i found out it was cos i was taking a little too long and they wanted to check where i was.

-lessons learnt-
*mostly my own but some from other people. will specify as i go along

indeed..the short walk mirrors our christian walk. we get taken out of our comfort zones and forced to confront our fears. sometimes we have to walk alone with no one either encouraging us or coming along with us. we face the unknown, solo. perhaps this could be a missionary stepping out into another country without the support of her family. perhaps a person answering the call to ministry knowing thats his parents would never accept his decision. perhaps a christian student entering a new school not knowing what the future holds. we step out alone with only the presence of God with us.

as said earlier there were lightsticks to guide us as we walked. in our walk with God, he leaves little directions in our lives pointing us to the right path. small they may be but in an almost completely dark setting, the light they give was powerful. God indeed is gracious. knowing that we are so prone to giving up once assurances are absent, he leaves 'clues' to remind us of the right way. in the same way that i was glad to see the next lightstick, my prayer is that i would be as eager in receiving directions from my Lord.

there were points in the walk when the next lightstick was not in direct view. it was a little unnerving since the immediate goal was not see-able. very soon, fears like "crap, i think im walking the wrong way" that kinda thing would start. however, a few steps later, the wonderful lightstick lies ahead glowing brightly. this bears testament to the need for faith when we walk. to rely on the knowledge that we are on the God-directed right path even when the future is uncertain.

this bit is from sharon: this dear girl got lost during the walk. she strayed off the path and trotted down the wrong way for quite a while. when she turned back, she followed the first lightsticks that she saw and thus went back to station 4! anyway..she shared later that the experience was getting lost was in a way, good. indeed, it helped to symbolise the time of our lives when we thought that we were self sufficent and hence ceased to follow the 'lightsticks'. yet, somewhere along the way, we got lost and had to crawl back to our Father, humbled by the mistake[s] we made. on her returning to station 4, she linked it to be like walking in circles, temprarily lost within the christian walk. but, with the help of some friends around, we can pick ourselves up again.

as i also said earlier, i was singing to myself as i walked. actually i was singing, praying and freaking out all in the same time! yet..it was humbling to realise that it is only in moments of stress and fear that we are so fervent in praying/singing. when all is well we forget that our walk must not stagnate. God is not only a God of difficult times but of each moment of the day:)

lastly..instead of being the walker only, we are sometimes like the lightsticks. we light the path of fellow christians as they walk. we help shine the way, giving encouragement as they tire and lose heart. so..never think that God cannot do anything with your life. you never know who may have been touched by you. i think lijun or someone else said this.

*thought this song was really apt.

Forgetting what lies behind
Setting our hearts on the prize
Always keeping our eyes on our Lord Jesus
We're running the race to win
All the way to the end
Laying down every sin
That would seek to hinder us.

And we'll be faithful to our calling
For You are able to keep us from falling
For in Your promise, we will trust
You'll be faithful to finish the work
You began in us.

thus ends this blog entry. indeed i learnt much from the experience. hopefully, this would not just remain in my head by i would somehow apply in life. i know that this entry has plenty of grammar and perhaps spelling mistakes..try to not be too affected by them k:)

9:23 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, December 08, 2005

second holiday?

not quite actually
but i'll be away from home from the 9th to the 12th
having my annual youth camp at church

won't be online obviously
but this time still contactable via my handphone:)
till the next time..tata:)

1:37 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

of pretty dresses, bling blings and oodles of make up

came home from Grand Hyatt at 0105 this morning
had a blast of a time there:)
to recollect the whole experience..

420-abt 515
talking to my darling erica on the phone
she called me after coming back from m'sia:)
and quite obviously we yakked and yakked on the phone
[whats new anyway?]

515-abt 600
mad rush to prepare myself for the night
blow drying and attempting to style my hair
changing into my dress
applying my make-up
begging my bro to "please help iron my shawl for me"
was so so late and hence i really rushed through everything

su zhen hailed a cab and came to my house to pick me
made our way to grand hyatt
the hotel is a really nice and beautiful place:)
kinda helped to justify the amount of money we paid

630-almost 8
early photo taking
socialising, socialising and more socialising
found out that the table i was on was right at the back of the ballroom

dinner and the usual things that happen at proms
had malay food! what a novelty!
cos we had a muslim on my table..
all the games, lucky draws and prom king/queen drama
didnt win anything but..
my classmate was PROM QUEEN!
her prizes were so pretty!
and she really deserved it..
took photos:) will upload them soon..

official end of prom night
next event was the post-prom party held at 'chocolate' the pub
[hope i spelled it correctly]
in any case i didnt go there
just didnt want to go for it [will explain fully next time]
but since my 'curfew' was set at 1 by my parents..
i was determined to use it to the full

went to the lounge[i think]at hyatt with ms kwok and su zhen
had very very nice tea
some strawberry green tea thingy
had fun picking through the snack bowl:)
fishing out the small, orange, rectangular titbit
think i drove ms kwok nuts doing it..heh
it was a nice, quiet time together
thanks so much for the treat ms kwok yah:)

cabbed back with the both of them
smsed my parents that i would be slighty late home
but they didnt have to worry since i was with my ct right?
not including the fact that she had alcohol just before that..
crashed home, locked up the gates and everything
woke my mom up to report that i was safely home.

after 105
washed up
online..like duh
wonder what my friends are doing at chocolate..
anyway..im going to get some sleep now:)

*this marks the end of all the prom related posts i have
and the end of any link to jc
any happy link to be more specific..

2:09 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, December 05, 2005

getting ready for it

after a mad rush the past week..
-my dress
-new shoes
-new eye shadow
-some random hair accessory

still thinking about body glitter
yep..when there is only like 7 more hours left to prom
really want it but the price is kinda high
and i know i will never use it anymore

and as opposed to the boys who spent quite abit[read ALOT]
i swiped away $133.50
o well..its not so little looking at it now
think i will have new white elaphants in my closet soon
sigh..all for the glamour of one night..

in any case..im going to enjoy myself tonight:)
hope i dun commit any fashion faux pas or something
going to see the girls become ladies
and the boys become gentlemen:)
even if its for one night only..

11:13 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, December 04, 2005

never wise enough

saw this on the glass panes of 'Tangs' shopping centre
-Even wise men seek Jesus-

how true
most of us are familiar with the christmas story
the lack of rooms, the manger and stable, the shephards and the wise men
but lets not get into that whole story now [too early lah:)]

coming back to the "slogan" or whatever its called
indeed its a reminder that we need to seek God in all things
what for you may ask..
cos we have only finite knowledge vs an infinite God
and only HE truely knows what is going to happen
[an analogy being the oracle in 'the matrix']

we would never be wise enough to survive on our own
perhaps that is the beauty of everything..
knowing that the wisest thing[s] we can ever do is..
to learn to seek Him
to learn to find out His will for our lives through prayer
to have enough faith to trust in His answers
to read the bible
to seek the counsel of godly people
to be obedient enough to accept His plans for us

no way!
any practising christian out there will tell you that
but it helps to know that even the wise men sought Jesus out
they knew that there was someone out there greater than themselves

maybe its time to rem that we will never be wise enough?
esp with christmas just round the corner:)

12:26 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, December 02, 2005

prom update

after shopping from 230 to abt 720
travelling from wisma to taka to paragon to bugis
'touring' no less than 15 fitting rooms
facing countless sales ladies who tried to get me to buy something, anything
walking around aimlessly trying to make up my mind..



all thanks to bonnie:)
who followed me on the shopping outing
who made me try on dresses of all shapes and sizes
who gamely tried on some too though mostly refused to come out to show me
who made sure that i left with something
who was bias-ly in favour of the dress that i bought in the end
what would i have done without you?

but now..jewellery and, as su zhen called them, peripheries are a problem
dunno what the buy to complement my dress
argh..and i have only 3 more days!

things i already have
-shoes though i want to find a better pair

things i need to find somehow
-big, chunky costume jewellery
-nice pair of shoes
-a make up artist
-a hair stylist
-money[the lack of effectively cancels the 3rd and 4th 'needs']

anyone game for another round of shopping?

10:02 AM
heaven in a wildflower