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Sunday, October 30, 2005

forgetting my first love

The call of the Lord is not more important than the Lord of the call.
The work of the Lord must not replace the Lord of the work.
No amount of ministering FOR the Lord
will make up for a lack of ministering TO the Lord.
knowing the Word of God
does not necessarily mean that we know the God of the Word.
*taken from "is Jesus enough"

how true that is..

many times even as i serve in church i question myself
are there times when i do things that centres on things around Jesus
but not on Jesus himself.
i wonder if i really do know Him as the cornerstone of my faith
thinking that i have forgotten my first love
and allowed the secondary things to take precedence

the reason that we do everything in church is cos of God Himself
He is the most important in anything that takes place because of Him
yet..we have allowed the very things supposed to bring us closer to Him to pull us away
they became the things that grew more important.
but it God in Himself that is the essence of everything.

Lord i want to come back to you..

-In the secret-
i want to know You
i want to see Your face
i want to know You more

i want to touch You
i want to hear Your voice
i want to know You more.

cos that is the most important.
truly, the work of the Lord must not replace the Lord of the work.

i'm coming back to You
learning to love You like You do

11:40 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, October 27, 2005

a random entry

-life is so boring and mundane now. i literally am breathing my notes alphabet by alphabet.

-cafe cartel food tastes good. esp if wonderful friends eat with you:)

-i have been taking alot of photos these days. check out the new album and the updated grad day one. photos courtesy of mel aka ms kwok

-waxy cup noodles makes people crazy[looks at pei yee]. maybe it was just the studying. or maybe its just us:)

-i need a new jacket. that calls for retail therapy and more liquidity.

-the rain now is a little too heavy for comfort. too much thunder and lightning flashes.

-i am the only one in the house who is awake at 2335.

-photocopying is extremely expensive. the hole in my pocket is getting bigger.

-going to farrer park mrt station takes longer than 30 mins. the waiting took half the time. too long.

-my heel chose to develop a blister after i have wore my shoes for a year. talk about a delayed reaction.

*if you are scratching your head in confusion after reading this entry i dun blame you. but that sums up my life in the past week:)

11:12 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, October 23, 2005

so little to me, so much to them

my church is partnering with some organisation to bring christmas presents to children[street kids, orphans] in Cambodia. so last week we were told to each fill a shoebox with little gifts for a boy or a girl. i thought it was a really good idea, very fun and exciting too.. i wanted to prepare a box for a girl my age and bring it..but somewhere during the week, i forgot about it. and i naturally blamed everything on the fact that exam preparation was filling my memory space. so..not my fault right? anyway..it was not compulsory.

but..today we watched a short clip on what happened to the gifts that were sent by another church last year. it was quite short, about 8 mins or so but it somehow changed my perspective on the whole thing:)

watching the big boxes that were sent over filled to the brim with the shoeboxes. the shoeboxes being given out to the children who were quening up. seeing the joy so explicitly written on their faces while getting the boxes. the glee so infectious when they opened the small box to see what someone lovingly packed for them. the excitment they had comparing their present with others. the simple yet sincere thanks they gave that was recorded. i cannot help but be moved to renew my resolution to prepare a box for someone.

it takes so little out of me to pack a box for them. i can either go and buy some small and inexpensive stuff or scurry around the house digging up things. all i will spend is a little money and perhaps some time and energy. but..these gifts could be the only present that the children receive in the entire year. isnt that worth doing something for? if not for anything but to put a smile on their faces.. i know that i will receive plenty of presents this christmas, like i always do, so shouldnt i allow someone to share in the joy of knowing that someone cares for you?

so..i am going to prepare a shoebox full of goodies that a girl my age will like.
any suggestions on what to include?
[so far i have a notebook and some plastic photoframe thing that my mom found]

i want to make someone's christmas a little brighter:)

2:29 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, October 22, 2005

photos again:)

they are up!
the ones taken on aaron's birthday
and the the random ones after that

cos they are so few and have no significant value *hehe*
i am not putting the album permanently under my links
so..to access the pics go to..


9:50 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, October 21, 2005


many of us preserve our memories in some way
blogs for the modern and technically updated people
diaries for the more sentimental and old fashioned
both for those who believe they suffer from STM:)
[i am one who uses both in fact]

but..bottom line is..we store them on one way or another
we place them on cyberspace or on paper
yet..if we do not have them there, memories do not exist?

i know someone who deletes her blog entries
something akin to starting on a clean slate
erasing all the hurts/anger of yesterdays
i guess if it helps by all means go ahead, no harms done
but the skeptic in me once again thinks things are not so simple..

blogs and diaries are but the tools we use to keep our memories
they do not constitute them[memories] in any way
and..with or without those 'storage devices' our memories still exist
in the deep recesses of our heart
that is the best diary and has no 'delete' function in its programme.

*to the one i am talking about, hope you take no offence to this k
if you dun like it, just tell me and i will delete[what an irony] it.

9:22 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

what i have been up to

nothing much actually..
just going back to school to study with friends
or having last minute lessons
boring life i know..
but thats a jc 2 student's life till the A levels isn't it?

in any case, due to the need to spend more time studying
i wont be blogging as frequently as before
not so much as a hiatus, in case you are wondering
just that updates would be further and fewer in between
so..dun need to check so often lah.

till the next time..

3:35 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, October 13, 2005

scratching the veneer

i glad i had the conversation with you today
over wanton mee in an old coffeeshop
learnt many things about myself, you and life in general
perhaps it was a little late but i'm glad we did it
it was the first time in a long while someone scratched my veneer
i hope i did so for you too

understanding each other a little more..

1:57 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

lest i forget

graduating from nanyang jc is such a bittersweet experience. i am glad to throw aside all the horrors of school - pe lessons, chinese,school stress, bad canteen food... but to say that i would never miss the school is plain lying. i have had truckloads of fun and laughter in this place, and i am glad i spent my 2 years here.

still remember the first day i entered nanyang, wearing my pl uniform. i walked up the flight of steps leading to the hall. i felt so alone, small and insignificant despite the hordes of people around. i couldn't find anyone i knew, not even by sight for most of them. after checking the list of names outside the hall, i went in to search for my orientation group. the huge hall was filled with ogls shouting, cheering..and the new intakers, many of whom were probably feeling the same way as i did - scared. i found the row of chairs i was supposed to be at and sat down. i was resigned to minding my own business[reads keeping quiet and stoning]. well..sounds a bad start right?

..2 years worth of events..

finally i have gone full circle. taken all the internal exams i need, done all[most?] of the homework i should have, endured all the mornings assemblies[correct spelling?] i ever needed too. this was marked by our graduation ceremony today. no doubt boring and overly lengthy, it signalled that jc life was ending. not that i am head-over-heels in love with my school but in some sense, i think that it was the best place to complete my jc education.

things/people/events i would never forget
- OZ. the whole business of helping to write it, practising our guts out to prepare for it and finally performing it. the whole experience cannot be forgotten. each of us who participated leave with memories of great friendships formed and the endless that fun we had. i could forget the world but this:)

-04A2. my wonderful classmates. we were not the most well behaved people around but we were united in many things. the inate sense of fun and laughter we shared with our crazy ct made our time in school enjoyable. i will certainly miss you guys:) you all have been a blessing in my life.

-my tutors[ms kwok,mrs teo, both mr ngs, mr nandwani, mrs cynthia tan, ms victor and ms chew] they were tutors would truly cared for us, as individuals. eccentric,enigmatic and quirky they were but each was filled with a passion and love for teaching. if i do follow the footsteps of my mom and become a teacher, i want to be like them.

-mrs ho, principal. old, naggy and a little old fashioned yet she has been the best principal i even had. our results, no doubt important, was never the only thing on her mind. she was one who really knew her students and wanted the best for them. i can only wish her a happy retirement.

-my walks to and from school. those daily 20 minute walks helped me alot. they were the times that i spent alone..thinking, reflecting and sometimes just stoning:) but there were many things that i pondered through during my walks. shall miss these personal pockets of time alot.

-the odd breaks that we took. being year 2 meant less academic subjects cos pw and chinese were done with and forgotten. that meant that we had more breaks, evenly split between the crowded and empty canteen slots. we took the empty times to eat and thus i spent a lunchless year cos i was always too full from recess to stomach lunch.

-the time i walked into school with pei yee only to see ian running his 42km marathon. watching him complete the last 5 rounds showed me grit, perseverance and the "its all in the mind" thingy. i can only wish to have half half the endurance he had on that day.

-friendships. gained some and lost some. i think that in these 2 years i have emerged a stronger person and hopefully wiser too. i have come to realise that many things are beyond our control and there is no use wallowing in self-pity. yet i still feel tinges of regret sometimes.

-all the other small stuff that are forever etched in my memory. my fav drink of cookies and cream, the very nice bookshop lady, endless amounts of money that we spent on photocopying, the comfortable sofas in the library,the musty smell of the lecture halls...i would never forget them..

a final reflection[warning..some pro christian stuff]
my 2 years of jc has just ended. i guess that looking back, God has been very good to me. despite me entering a school that was 'secular', He gave me plenty of christian teachers to make up for the loss of christian friends. never did i imagine that so many of them would share the same faith as me:) it was such great encouragement.

most importantly, being in nanyang opened my eyes to the real world. a world that needed the Lord. that revelation struck me deeply especially during year 1. it was a culture shock of some sorts but i thank God for the chance to learn the meaning being a witness for Christ, to act in a way that Christ can be seen in me. i learnt to mix with people of other religions and understand them better, some of whom have become good friends of mine. its my prayer to see my jc friends in heaven one day.

thus end this chapter of my life. i see the final hurdle to cross before i move on to fill up the blanks pages behind. jc may soon become history but i would always flip back to this chapter and remember with nostalgia. each of us would carry on with our individual lives and the friendships we shared in school may be tested, but i know that we will certainly hold on to the fact that we were once in each others lives.

class of 2005

2:26 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, October 10, 2005


everyone is reflecting on life now
life that passed in jc to be exact..
indeed the 2 years just flew past
i'm feeling the tugging of my heartstrings too

but..wait till 12 oct for the full story:)

7:09 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, October 09, 2005

united in one purpose

food selling day for the level 6s today
we sold *insert drumroll* bee hoon, fishballs and milo dinosaurs:)
was really fun preparing and selling the food:)

crystal was there telling all the wonderful stories of her bee hoon
it was from a shop near her house
of which the soh sisters are the most loyal customers:)
anyway..the general consensus was that it was very very good
and crystal always went "see..i told you it was nice"

desiree brought the fishballs
they were kinda cold and there was nothing that we could really use to heat them up
so..we came up with a very erm..interesting way to do so
by poking them onto the satay sticks and soaking them in hot water
really primitive i know but it served its purpose right?

milo dinosaur making was the ultimate hilarious though
for those who dun know what it is..
its basically iced milo with an extra scoop of milo powder on top
except that ours was different:)
cos this wasnt a new item for sale before..
we decided to do 'product differentiation' hehe..
we added *insert another drumroll* coccoa pops!
shangwei, andrew and i were trying really hard to get the right concentration
in the end..it turned out pretty good
[now i know what to do if i am jobless in the future:)]

in the end..the food sold out quite well
and we made quite alot of money
thanks to some people who donated really generously to us

and for now..
just wait till youth camp comes:)
after all thats what all the hard work was for

2:43 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, October 06, 2005

find us faithful

We're pilgrims on the journey
Of the narrow road
And those who've gone before us line the way
Cheering on the faithful, encouraging the weary
Their lives a stirring testament to God's sustaining grace

Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses
Let us run the race not only for the prize
But as those who've gone before us
Let us leave to those behind us
The heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly lives

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
May the fire of our devotion light their way
May the footprints that we leave
Lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey
Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

After all our hopes and dreams have come and gone
And our children sift though all we've left behind
May the clues that they discover and the memories they uncover
Become the light that leads them to the road we each must find

*doing so much chaucer for lit these days made me think of this song. indeed..life is a pilgrimage, would those who come behind us find the footprints of fine examples?

4:03 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, October 03, 2005

And i thank you Lord

just a little publicity

2 of my church friends started a blog to thank God
in a time when most blogs out there are mainly self centered
this is indeed a refreshing change
lets start thanking God for everything:)

to access it..
go to my links and search for thankGod

give thanks in all circumstances...
1 thess 5;18a

1:53 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, October 02, 2005

no two ways about it

someone told me this:
to prevent yourself from getting disappointed by your results..
aim low

i was skeptical about its effects
but thought i would give a try cos this exam[prelims] wasnt going to be good
o well..it didnt work!

getting back the results with or without expectations was erm..painful
i tried to aim low for the papers i knew i screwed up
but holding the marked scripts in my hand
staring at the marks scribbled boldly in red..
it basically didnt feel good

good will always be good
bad will always be bad
there's no two ways about it
there's no trying to fool yourself about it
no matter how hard you try to

thats how our relationship with sin works too
often we try to rationalise out mistakes
and attempt to reduce the 'severity' of our sins with various excuses
but deep down inside we know thats what we did is still wrong
and that we deserved to be punished

but unlike exam results..
sin has been paid for with grace:)

10:18 AM
heaven in a wildflower