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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

a lesson on courage

went to watch 'turning othello' yesterday by srjc
had to meet eugene at city hall
obviously i had to get there myself on public transport
on the bus and mrt trains

went down into the train station
expecting nothing out of the ordinary - or basically to mind my own business..
once i stepped off the escalator
i saw this, about upper primary age boy lying on the floor!
he had his older brother with him although i suspect he is unable of looking after him
if i am not wrong..
both of them are autistic though the elder one with a milder version
couldn't help staring and wondering..like many of the other pple there
which mother would allow her sons, in this state, out alone?

then i heard someone shout at them to "stop playing"
turning around i saw a lady sitting on the edge of the escalator frame[the metal part]..their mother
weary looking, evidently tired out after a day's work
she was wielding an umbrella, using it to control them when they got too rowdy
the two boys played noisily, oblivious to everyone around them
responding only to their mother's scoldings or whacks by the improvised 'cane'

the train came and everyone else filed in
the mother went in, leaned against a plastic panel at the end of the seats and kept her sons near
i was too far to heard anything she told them but near enough to observe them
the younger boy sat on the floor in one corner and proceeded to examine the sole of his foot
the older one was looking around, entralled by everything, everyone

she was obviously irritable after working the whole day
and worried that her sons were causing too much of a commotion
but she took time to pay attention to her sons' antics
silly and nonsensical as they seemed, they were her sons:)
at times, i saw a hint of a smile breaking from her lips when they showed her something
or perhaps told her something..

they left all too soon..about 2 stops later
i couldn't stop thinking about them though

is it fair that this mother has not 1 but 2 sons educational sub-normal?
i truely admire her tenacity and courage
to bring her sons up and be willing to bring them out
to love them for who they are

*God, you gave both of them to her
please continue to grant Your wisdom and strength
as she acts as Your faithful steward
shower her with extra portions of your blessings

12:18 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, August 29, 2005


church service in the morning
followed by youth
the [in]famous TMS quiz!

planned by lay siang who was notorious for being a sticker for accurary
we played in our classes and 0ne cell group
super duper fun:)
except that we kinda didnt read the books that were tested - 1st and 2nd of kings and chronicles
so we couldnt answer any bible knowledge questions..
our tms verses were really 'power' though[tms is basically a method of bible verse memory]
all thanks to wei shieng and james for drilling everything into our heads
really sad that apart for crystal, belinda and I, the rest of the class did not want to take part
we 3 were like the only 'enthu' ones getting all stressed and excited at the same time:)
anyway..we ended up in second place
after the level 5s..esther's sunday school class
that meant alot to us who were playing cos we usually end up in the last place
hopefully..we can do even better the next time round
ezra nehimiah esther psalms and packs A to E :) here we come:)

went for lunch with tendy and wei shieng after everything
decided on PS but coudn't make up our minds on the place to eat
met alot of youth pple at the mrt - place to eat inevitably settled cos you just need to follow everyone else
eventually went to the food court.
where we ordered 7 plates of the very very nice indonesian rice in total - it just tells you how nice it is right?
managed to talk loads with the 2 of them
and its like the 1st time I heard tendy talk so strongly about something [stuff i would blog about soon]
wei shieng's long 'moral of the story' stories and pieces of advice were kinda expected though:)
so glad to have her as my sunday school teacher cos you just learn sooo much from her
and we were taking insane photos on our handphones:)
shall really miss her the next 2 months[time please pass quick]

celebrated my mom's birthday at my grandma's house at night
with a cake as usual
took some photos and one was really cute
cos you kinda couldn't whose birthday it was - my cousin was blowing the candles instead:)
have some leftover cake sitting in my fridge now
terribly squashed cos the container was too short for the cake

phew..what an eventful day:)

1:08 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, August 27, 2005

from 5 to 61-drama farewell

had drama club farewell bbq today
at east coast park bbq pit 61

arrangde to somehow get on the same bus as aaron and su zhen to go there
we succeeded at doing that
took bus 135 all the way to east coast
had a great time talking/laughing/complaining..
decieded to get off at amber road and use the underpass to get the the pit

we felt confident enough about going the correct way
jane-"hey..just pray that we don't end up at pit 15 or something and have to walk a long way"
aaron/su zhen-"yup..hope so.." or sometimes along those lines..

when we reached the beach
aaron went to check which pit we were nearest to
his jaw drops "Oh! you don't want to know this..we are at pit 5!"
horrors of horrors! worse than we thought..!
and we started walking towards our pit..
hoping that it was not too far away..

ended up walking for about 1.5 hours
adds up to about 7km in total
felt like 643589km though
i was whining all the way..aaron was cursing and swearing
we wanted to steal stray bikes that were lying around
but we just kept on trudging onward
it was sooo tiring..my legs still ache from the workout now
and i got 2 blisters on my little toes from the walking..my evidence of the torturous walk
must say that we explored the whole stretch of the beach

finally reached our pit..
realised that the numbers ended at like no 66
most importantly..we rehydrated our dehydrated bodies
and found a willing but unsympathetic audience to air our grouses
basically sat around talking and waiting for more pple to come
and taking photos..like duh
*its really nice to sit on the breakwater and just stare at the sea

ate a little
started playing frisbee with a few pple - su zhen, hash, wan jin, aaron, ben...
that was super fun:)
we were bordering on being brutal at times
when we rushed to keep the frisbee from the hands of the "monkey"
utterly hilarious lah:)
and a little boy joined our game too - he was standing there watching us so we invited him
soon changed the frisbee for a ball
but we expired shortly after that and went back to eat and slack and take photos

took plenty of pics
just love having my own cam at such events
can take anything that i want
wan jin shares the same fetish as me too
so we took lots of photos
with obliging pple like terry, aaron and fazli
some which are very very funny, if i should say so myself

a number of pple left at about 9
so it was a pretty small group left
sat with ben, aaron and terry on a stone bench on the beach
feeling the cool breeze in our faces
miss kwok joined us soon
started talking about religion[of all things..?]
interesting stuff actually..all the different views about this issue
shall blog about what we talked another time though

yep..thats all
thus ends my staint in nyedc
never in my wildest dreams did i imagine that i would be part of it
yet..i am so glad i made the choice to
i couldn't have asked for a better cca for my jc years:)

*go to my links to get into my online photo album for the pics
**panicking..tms quiz in 10 hrs time!

10:53 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, August 26, 2005

Lessons from a life fully lived
-Hannah's Gift: Lessons from a life fully lived-
By Maria Housden

Hannah was a lovely 3 year old girl who was unfortunately struck with cancer - a rare and agressive form of it. Though so young, she was filled with much wisdom even as she dealt with what life had to give her. In the last year of her life, she changed the way the hospital was run, and taught a great deal to the people around her. The zest and joy this girl had for life was so contagious. She lived her life to the full and leaves behind an example for all to follow. All these were recorded in a moving account written by her own mother.

It was thanks to adrianne that i got the chance to read this book. While reading, there were moments that i couldn't help but laugh aloud, and others when i couldn't stop the tears too. A simple yet meaningful book, one that makes you sit down and reflect after reading it.

-The truest measure of life is not its length, but the fullness in which it is lived-

If i were Hannah...
Knowing that an inevitable death is near, would i have been as joyful as she was?
I guess that given my age now, i would be far from it
Somehow, the older you get, the more you get enticed by the things of this world.
It would be so easy to be bitter, disappointed and even furious at myself, everything, God.
I know that i would question Him like anything - Why me? Why such a thing? Haven't i been serving you faithfully? etc etc..
Obviously there would be so much on my mind, all no doubt negative
I believe i would not be able to face death as joyfully as Hannah did
Perhaps regret would be the stronger emotion
It's like i'm 18 only..there is so much more to do in life..

I guess we always focus on the negative and painful side of death only
The hurt, the sorrow, the finality..
We forget that death is not the end but a new beginning of life with God
Therefore, should we not look forward to our earthly death actually?
Since we have the assurance that God is waiting for us in heaven..

To look at things from another angle : If I were Hannah's mother..
Knowing that my daughter has a high chance of a premature death
Seeing my child suffer through chemotherapy, needles and pain
Realising that i may not get to see her grow up
Is it not so easy to wallow in despair and indignation?
My faith would surely be challenged again. Shaken to the core
Would I still believe enough to give everything to Him?
To say "Thy will be done" instead of "my will be done"?
Can I still say that i know that everything is in control?


Many times we don't want the full christian life
We want only the good side - close walk with God, good christian friends and abundant blessings
It is true that God would give us all these things, within his will of course
But, we shun the other part, the difficult-to-shallow part
Or more commonly termed as suffering
The times of testing, persecution and heavy sacrifice
Many a time, we find it so difficult to surrender everything to God, willing ourselves to leave all things in His hands
We want to write our own stories of richess, health and comfort
Hoping that God would endorse them

However, God does not work is such ways
He writes our stories
In fact, they were written even before time began
The trials and suffering are there as part of His divine plan
Though hard to understand, He does know what's best for us
It my prayer that when suffering knocks on my door,
I would have the faith to rely on His faithfulness
Knowing that He is wise and that He loves me:)

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
psalms 139:16b

*i guess this entry would have been a little over-preachy to some of you. These are just some of my honest thoughts about this issue. thanks for reading through it:)

5:42 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, August 25, 2005

excuse my lack of blogging these few days

was trying to find a nice blogskin to change to
which i did..
only to revert back to the original in the end
sigh..the bane of fickleminded-ness

but i learnt how to do my links properly:)

shall blog sometime soon

9:31 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, August 22, 2005

-trust His heart-

All things work for our good
Though sometimes we can't see how they could.
Struggles that break our hearts in two
Sometimes blind us to the truth.
Our Father knows what's best for us;
His ways are not our own.
So, when your pathway grows dim,
And you just can't see Him,
Remember He's still on the throne.

God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don't understand,
When you can't see His plan,
When you can't trace His hand,
Trust His heart.

He sees the Master plan.
He holds the future in His hands.
So don't live as those who have no hope.
All our hope is found in Him.
We walk in present knowledge,
But He sees the first and the last.
And like a tapestry,
He's weaving you and me
To someday be just like Him.

God is too wise to be mistaken.
God is too good to be unkind.
So when you don't understand,
When you can't see His plan,
When you can't trace His hand,
Trust His heart.

*a song that spoke right through to my heart on saturday. may it bring to you as much comfort as it did to me:) when things dun go well..just remember that he is too wise to be mistaken! even when the way is too dark for you to grope your way through, just trust His heart:) trust that He knows everything that is happening to you, my friends

But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, "You are my God."
psalms 31:14

5:47 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Sunday, August 21, 2005

truely blessed

today before you think of saying an unkind word
think of someone who cannot speak

before you complain about the taste of your food
think of someone who has nothing to eat

before you complain about your dirty house
think of someone who is living on the streets

before you complain about your school life
think of someone who would love to have the same opportunity

before you complain about the distance you have to travel
think of someone who cannot walk a step

before you complain about life
think of someone who went too early to heaven

and when depressing thoughts pull you down
put a smile on your face and thank God you are alive:)
[adapted from TNP 19/8]

indeed, that short poem puts everything into perspective. when i read it, i just felt so blessed.. to be born in Singapore, where for the vast majority of us concepts like starvation, civil war and epidemics are merely theoretical. to have the chance to go to school, though stressful and everything, it sure beats not having the opportunity at all.to be able to walk along the streets without fear of my safety or the pple i know. to have everything that i need, and almost everything that i want.

yet..we are often unsatisfied with all that we already have. we always hanker after more or better things. we compare with others, boasting when we 'win' and sulking when we don't. nothing ever seems to be enough in our opinions, whether results, money or material things. has the noble desire to improve ourselves been overtaken by plain greed?

maybe its time to stop complaining and start thinking about what God has given you? think of the 'have-nots', and everything that we always complain about would seem so insignificant. [what is a pair of high performance track shoes compared to a whole family's weeks worth of meals?]

trust that the Lord knows what you really need and he will give them in his time:)

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
phil 4:19

10:16 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, August 19, 2005


A handicapped person hobbles past
Slowed down by his blindness
Or her physical defect
We may lead a helping hand
But beneath this smiling facade
Is a heart full of pity
For the poor unfortunate one
Cursed with that painful affliction
"How can God be so cruel?" we ask

Encounters with the 'special'people
Are no better; many times, worse
Individuals who are a little slower
Or happily live in a world of their own
We often shun them like the plague
Feeling disgusted by their actions
Which we deem nonsensical - at best

Perhaps we have forgotten one simple fact
That we are actually the same
That we are all handicapped
Each are imperfect in some way
Maybe an addiction that still rules us
Or a sin that we succumb to ceaselessly
Yet we rather deceive ourselves
Into thinking that we are perfect
Unlike the 'God-forsaken' minority

Actually they seem better-off compared to us
At least their disability is so apparent
Ours are hidden, just the way we like them
Tucked away far deep inside
Making us unwilling to expose everything
And destroy our flawless images
Even we, who know in our minds
That each in Christ is a new creation

But our solace is in the fact and knowledge
That everyonewho believes in Him would
One day enjoy perfection
In body, mind and spirit
In the perfect home of glorious heaven
Where insecurities would matter no more
Where prejudices have no place

For each realises
That God is unparalelled
In His glory and majesty

*still learning to practise what i preach

8:56 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

growing in wisdom

if you watched 'charlie and the chocolate factory', you would probably remember this
- willy wonka having his semi annual haircut done by an oompa loompa when he realised..
"i need a heir[hair]"
holds up a strand of white hair

i'm in the same boat..
my brother just found 2 strands on my head the yesterday
and i blame this on my dad whose hair is rapidly greying too
heredity genes at work in full force

if white hair is merely a display of our genetic make up, why is it always associated with wisdom?
i know that the older folks have a tendency to have white hair but is age the only factor in the wisdom function?
maybe experiences and a great deal of thinking helps too..and if you are older, you probably have had more time for that:)
but there are plenty of very very wise people out there who have a crop of black hair
and other not so wise people whose hairs are turning greyish/white
why then do we assume a person's state of mental maturity based on a natural body characteristic?

anyway..i just learnt something new on sunday..
adding it to my bank of wisdom lessons
am i am amazed:)

your family is really the one who stands by you
especially during the times when the going gets tough
you realise who are the ones who truely care for and love you
but your family would willingly sacrifice for you
a comforting thought:)

i also realised that agnes worries for us when we travel
at first..
that info was a bit too much for me to handle
i was like "huh? really? never expected that.."
but i decided later that it made sense
cos it just the same when she travels..my mom does the worrying though
i admit to be a little callous and 'heck-care' most of the time
but i do care for her ok..in case you are wondering :)

the bliss of having family
knowing that there is someone who is always thinking of you
and keeping you in prayer:)

4:05 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, August 15, 2005

weekly weekend update [long post ahead]

had econs pre-prelim essay test in the morning
didnt really study for it..ok..i didnt study for it
did as best as i could with the pathetic amount of info in my brain
am not expecting to do very well for it

went with su zhen and pei yee to check the new national library
had lunch at bugis food court first
dun ever patronise the western food stall cos its just not worth it
the claypot one is quite nice though

pei yee had a revelation about the size of the nlb
-p.y "whoa..this place is BIG..must take a photo of it"
takes out her camera phone and snaps a shot
-jane "erm..you knew that its 16 storeys high right? you expected it to be underground?"
hahaha..[just laugh along to humour me]
*i still love you, pei yee:)

anyway..we made our way in
and was greeted by a nice blast of cool air at the door
the place is really nice..so big and spacious
a nice place for studying esp in the reference floors
the sound of silence is deafening there though
you just feel compelled to speak in whispers
ended up studying there till about 245 before going down to church

didnt exactly know how to get to church although its pretty near
decided to go by an extremely indirect way[ cos i was sure it would get me there]
took the mrt and had to change lines twice..
so i travelled on 3 different lines to get to a place 3 stops away..sigh

had crosslink in church
pastor steven talked about 'why a good God would allow suffering to happen'
nice stuff..
more sessions in the next few weeks

morning programme as usual..
church service than sunday school
ended class before 12..a record for wei shieng:)
went for lunch before heading back to church for wall painting
[i can just hear you say"again" but rem..rome wasn't built in 1 day..same goes for the wall]

sharon, wei shieng and i went back first
they had a hard time opening the tins of paint
and we realised that they were the wrong colours
but decided to carry on and hope for the best
changed into crappy clothes - my trusty pl shorts and bad-taste ny orintation tee
started painting and inhaling all the fumes at the same time
shuang han and adrianne joined us soon after
talked while we painted [girls are good at multitasking right:)]
with occasional laspes of silences when the need for precision superceeded everything else
[when we were doing the black outlining]
agnes came at about 2 plus to 'entertain' us
and contibute her tiny bit to the world

the outcome..
a pretty work of art:)
no doubt a little imperfect but we gave our best to it
hopefully it will not be merely a backdrop in our youth room but is something meaningful
something that causes one to be interested in missions
something that stirs up the desire to 'Preach CHRIST to the end of the earth'

cousin's wedding dinner at night
it was ok.. save for my other cousins at my table
had a great time with them
hearing about dissecting frogs and upcoming wedding preparations [i have plenty of cousins]
and a common love for 'bao qing tian' aka chinese C.S.I

realised that my dad and uncle have alot in common..they are brothers so its quite duh
-jane "papa..why you never button your coat? aiyoh.."
made him come nearer and buttoned it for him
-dad[to the table] "this girl always make noise about my clothes one.."
started laughing and pulling at my tied-up hair
-cousins "hey..my dad always does that to me too!"
* feeling a deliciously warm and fuzzy feeling:)

okie..thats all folks:)
sorry if this was insanely boring to all but myself
erica: i shall reply your email asap..i promise:)

3:22 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, August 12, 2005

with my head humbly bowed


In His time, in His time
He makes all things beautiful
In His time
Lord please show me everyday
As You're teaching me Your way
That You do just what You say
In Your time

In Your time, in Your time
You makes all things beautiful
In Your time
Lord my life to You I bring
May each song I have to sing
Be to You a lovely thing, in Your time

continue to have Your way in us Lord.
may we learn to trust in You each and every day.
teach us to let go and give You full control to do all things in Your time.
Thy will be done.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
proverbs 3:5-6

1:19 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Thursday, August 11, 2005

rethe singapore i want

-a place filled with happy people
-a society where stereotypes can be broken
-a nation which promotes a sense of belonging
-a country that remains safe for my children
-a melting pot of every race, culture and religion
-a haven where i can excel the things i like
-a land which i can love as my home

i guess this is a little late [ok..2 days late] but i was watching news when this question started popping up during the commercials. that got me thinking..what is the kind of country that i want? a place that merely oozes material comforts or something more intagible than that?
and so i came up with those:)
can we ever have a singapore like that or are they just going to be whimsical fancies of mine?

even as singapore gears up for the presidential elections yet again [with more contestants this time hopefully]..it is my prayer that the elected one would be wise even as the 'icon' of singapore.. everyone knows that the president is basically a ceremonial head in our country but i guess he/she is still a symbol of pride in u ingaporeans..maybe whoever who ends up in that seat be the right one chosen for the job..

Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
romans 13:1

10:24 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

of wit, sarcasm and slapstick humour

"i want to be a singer"
"i thought you wanted to be a doctor?"
"oh..that was yesterday..!"

"i see a great resemblance between lee hsien long and george bush..
they all look[and act] like their fathers"

"my dad is a professional and he does not even have a degree"
"yah..he's a professional gambler"

that was just snippets of the highly acclaimed dim sum dollies
totally enjoyed myself watching the show
and laughing so hard at the jokes that they made
the mini dim sum dollies stole the show
despite being so young..
they were so natural and confident
like the stage was nothing new to them at all
potential tsd students [right erica?]

the 3 older dollies did not disappoint too
especially selena tan who was utterly hillarious:)
and hossen leong who played many roles
from drag to an indian bollywood lover..

brought up many issues cloaked with humour
from slimming centres to singapore's icons [lack of actually..]
and even the food court aunties who rush to clear empty plates
glad to have understood the witty comments..most of the time at least:)
and the satirical jokes about spore and ahem..our goverment
must really say that the 40 bucks was well spent

wanna watch it again next year
hopefully i would have improved my disgusting dialects
with chinese thrown in as well:)

11:45 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Monday, August 08, 2005

funfilled weekend:)

had the bi-annual national day carnival at the field across church
its something that fmc, covenant house and the rcs organise for the residents
was running a games stall with bonnie, crystal and a few other pple
most it was bonnie and i only
my dad became the official ball catcher of the day
the stall was really popular:) its called 'shooting stars' by the way
kinda sad to see the inherate kiasu attitude in full display
adults who fight with little kids for the prizes
and 'cheat' to win the big ones
i really must learn to control my temper
came sooo close to losing my cool at the younger ones helping at my stall
ended the day dog-tired and well-fed on orange squash
but happy that everything was a success[ many many people came:)]
thank God:)

went for sunday service as usual
and youth too
was tasked to help out with the cake
had 'open sunday' programme
sharon and adrianne shared about their overseas mission trips
to thailand and macau respectively
i'm so inspired to join the programme in uni too:)
did alot of praying for spore too
its a tradition that we have every sunday before national day
had lunch with bonnie, crystal[ who left halfway], desiree, tendy and wei shieng
was going totally insane laughing at tendy and her crazy antics

went back to church to help with the mural painting
didnt have crap clothes to change into but who cares?
we discovered that there wasnt enough paint
so wei shieng and i went out on foot to look for some
ended up walking for an hour and returning empty handed
neighbourhood shops dun open on sundays..grr
but it was a good time together though
talking and talking as we walked:)
left for home at about 3 with very sore feet[ i was walking in flats]
and a great workout done

what about today?
school in the morning
national day celebrations..blah
dim sum dollies tonight:)
courtesy of my darling agnes aka rich older sister

9:49 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Saturday, August 06, 2005

down to the last gene

was having gp lecture yesterday on the biotech century and its impact on the commercial world..interesting stuff..i dun profess to know much about this whole thing[im an arts student!], these are some of my honest thoughts

'biotechnology' brings to mind things like cloning, gene manipulation and therapy[yup..all the science-y stuff] and possibly images of geeky-looking white coated scientists who tinker in the labs all day.. but the things that they handle are not just any other kind of chemicals or reagents.. they are the building blocks of life! yup..all the genes and chromosomes that makes life possible for us homo sepians. its really quite scary when you think about the amount of power that these pple hold in their hands...

they have been successful in cloning insects and animals from fruit flies to cows and the latest being a dog[it's snuppy i think]. some have even claimed to have done in on humans[ baby eve from south korea though the lab does not have an independent body's validation]. i guess that in no time when they are able to reduce the failure rate for reproduction cloning, there would be large scale attempts to clone humans too with procedures like the pre-selection of genes and all the other what-nots

we know that genes determine your physical traits in life - tall, short, fat, thin, pretty.. and is the cause of illnesses like down's syndrome, turner's syndrome.. some even argue that they affect your inteligence and behaviour too. it is really quite amazing that the mere 46 chromosomes that fit into the nucleus of a cell are able to to decide our 'fate' in life [or so they say] if we the created are so complex already, imagine what is the creator like?

sometimes i just have the nagging suspicion that we have placing too much emphasis on this minute genes..are they really responsible for everything that happens and everything that we do? or are they just the best excuses to give for anything unexplainable? does life completely come down to only the genes that are in us?

is there a gene that makes people lazy? or another that makes people suicidal? one that makes people think that God exists? are our individual personalties and temperaments only based on what exists in a double helix in our cells?

there is more that i want to say but just am unsure of how to put them down..
maybe next time..

-How great Thou art-
oh Lord my God when i'm in awesome wonder
consider all the works Thy hands have made
i see the stars, i heard the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout the universe displayed

glad to be created in the image of God
down to the last gene

1:56 PM
heaven in a wildflower

Friday, August 05, 2005

ramdom thoughts

prelims are in 26 days time
a levels have another 90 odd days to go
time is passing/galloping sooo fast

singapore's weather is weird
is really cold out there now
i'm hiding in an aircon room to escape

finding it harder to articulate my thoughts these days
what's wrong with the wiring between my mind and mouth
maybe thats why i'm blogging..hmm


11:52 AM
heaven in a wildflower

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

prom night?

last night was hilarious!
went for pamela's 21st birthday celebrations at the esplanade:)

rushed all the way there with my whole family
minus agnes cos she was the official coordinator of the day
was soooo afraid that my heels would die halfway while walking
[they didnt but are now deemed a hazardous item to general health]

reached there..saw plenty of pple
think i was a tad too formal
in my black toga and dress pants
sat down with the church pple
took ALOT of photos

dinner was good:)
the logistics a little slow though
but nice food...
beautiful, witty slideshows too
cos they were done by my sis! yah!

the bestest part: photos mania:) lalala
what started with an innocent family photo taking session
evolved into prom night madness o_O
took millions of photos on hundreds of cameras
-ok..i exaggerate but you get the picture..-
hopefully i can somehow upload the pics soon:)

loved the night :)
had so so so much fun!
i wanna turn 21 soon!

3:28 AM
heaven in a wildflower